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I said, "I'll be back."  I got up and left to go to the restroom.  I cried, and then washed my face.  I called Emma and started crying when she answered the phone. She wanted to know what was wrong, and I told her I messed everything up with Tom. I ruined it. She asked how, so I told her I was trying to be honest about how I was scared, but said the wrong thing, now he's mad and yelling at me in Golden Corral. She said she was sorry. I told her he's hurt. She told me let him cool down and then try again.

I went out the door and Tom was leaning against the wall.  We both said, "I'm sorry" at the same time.  I cried.  

Tom said, 'Madison I'm sorry. I know I'm acting like a jerk, and I'm sorry for getting mad and yelling at you." 

 I said, "Tom I'm sorry I wasn't trying to hurt you. I just didn't say it right. you didn't understand."

Tom said, "can we go back and sit down."  I nodded.  He took my hand. 

Tom said, "Madison I'm sorry., I don't care if you don't want to help me, it's fine, but I just don't want to lose your friendship. Please Madison, I feel like you are trying to end our friendship, and it's just started."

I said, 'Tom I don't want our friendship to end, not at all. That is not what I was saying" 

Tom said, 'well that is what it sounded like."

I said, "I'm sorry. I was nervous. I guess I didn't say it right. I don't want to lose you, it's only been a few days, and I already can't imagine my life without you. You have been so sweet to me."

I said, 'Tom I wasn't saying I was ending it; I'm just saying that I'm scared that I'm going to get hurt. I'm not saying that you are going to hurt on purpose.  just saying that I need to be honest with you, and with myself, and not pretend." 

 Tom said, "Right I want you to do that be honest."

I said, "Tom I wasn't saying we can't be friends. It's worth it even if I will get hurt, to be friends with you. I'm just saying I'm scared, and that I'm being realistic. Even if you don't meet some girl in a couple weeks, or even this year, still I hope that I can get some kind of scholarship, but I won't be able to get scholarship to where you are going. And I have no money. Tom you are going to have your pick of colleges for football. " 

Tom said, "ok yeah but I haven't picked yet, and I am going to go on some visits with my dad in July, and I might even just stay here in town, but what does that have to do with us. If you tell me where you want to go to college, that might be one of the ones on my list, and even if it's not and we end up going to different colleges, or you stay here, Madison why can't we still be friends. I don't understand.  So, you are saying that if I go away to college that we can't be friends.  Thar's not fair."

I said, 'Tom that's not what I'm saying. I'm just saying that I am going to have to prepare myself. I'm not saying our friendship will end. But if we are in different cities, I mean Tom it happens all the time.  High school friends, go their separate ways, thinking they will always be best friends, but they go to different colleges, never see each other, at first they start off calling all the time, but then they get busy, and life gets in the way, and before you know it, they lose touch, and then don't see each other for years." 

 Tom said, 'ok I'm sure that does happen, but why are you saying that it's going to happen to us. I won't let that happen. Are you saying that if I go away to college, you will be too busy to call me and talk to me."

  I said, "No of course not, I would never. But you are more than likely going to be too busy. With football, with your new friends, parties, girls"

 Tom said, 'But Madison I don't even know where I'm going yet, maybe you will be there, or maybe it will be close, and you can come up with my mom and dad, or I can come get you."