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Emma came to stop in on her break, so we sat in her car and talked.  She wanted details on everything about Tom. She said she was happy for me and could live a little through me. I knew she was talking about Mike.  He was still seeing that Jill, and knew that he was sleeping with her, so she was feeling bad.  

She asked me if I thought that she should let her dream go of being with Mike and move on for good.  I told her that I thought that a lot of the guys that had asked her out were very hot, and I wished that she would have the man of her dreams. I just wanted her to be happy. I also told her that I definitely know and will know the pain when we do our breakup, up being in love with someone who doesn't love you back. But honestly, as far as it goes for me and Tommy, I know that even when we break up, I love him so deeply, I don't think I will ever not be in love. Or ever want anyone else. He's in my heart forever. Each person is different, so maybe you can break the cycle, and get Mike out of your system, and you meet a good man who makes you forget Mike

She said that she feels stupid holding on to the dream of being with Mike someday. That she was thinking about it mainly because this hot guy came into the store and flirted with her, and asked if she had a boyfriend, and if she wanted to go out with him. I asked what she told him.  She said that she didn't have a boyfriend, but there was a guy that she wanted to be with, but she was open to casually dating, and getting to know new people. But she told me that she was just wasn't sure that she wanted to date anyone.  She feels like she is missing out, but at the same time, not sure if she can forget Mike, and is afraid she'd just use the guy to forget Mike, which is wrong to do. She said the guy was really hot, and that he was sweet, that he has been coming in the store for a few weeks with his little sister, trying to help his mom get her school clothes. His mom is a single parent he said so he's trying to help out.  I told her that I knew how hot it was to see a guy be sweet to his sister.  We laughed.

She said she wished that we could all get together, but since Mike was with Jill, we hadn't done anything together.  She left and went back to work.

Tom came to pick me up that night.   Tom had his sisters with him, he was taking us out to eat. His parents both had to go to a law enforcement event.

I was busy thinking and wasn't paying much attention. We went to Golden Corral to eat. Tom was staring at me.  He said, "Hey Madison, I know what you are thinking" I said, "you do" He smiled. He said, " you are probably thinking about how you really secretly are wishing that when we are on our vacation, you could come fishing with me and Dad. I mean you really don't want to go with my mom and sisters, I know you will be so bored."  We laughed.  Molly said, "no she wants to come with us Tommy. Fishing is gross."  Tom smiled. he said, "no Maddie wants to fish, I know she does."  Mia said, "no she doesn't and also Tommy she isn't going to want to be hugging or kissing you right after you fish, because you will smell slimy" Tom grinned.

We didn't know Tara and her friends were there.  Tara had come over with one of them to talk to Tom.  Tara caused a scene.  She said, "what, so you are taking her on your family's stupid sacred vacation"   We all looked. Mia said, 'Shut up Tara it's not stupid"

Tom said, "I know you're stupid, but I've told you to stay the hell away from my girlfriend, my sisters, and me. Or else I'm going to tell my dad. If you think I'm bluffing I'm not. She said, 'I didn't say anything to them. I was talking to you. Tom."  Tom said, "yes my girlfriend is coming on our vacation"  She said, "how is she even invited, I mean you never wanted to even take one of your guy friends, and couldn't even be reached by phone for the whole two weeks, your parents wouldn't allow it, how is she invited when it's family only"  Tom said, "My parents love her, Madison lives with us, so of course my parents are ok with me bringing her."  Mia said, "we love her, too and so does Tommy" Molly said, "yeah stupid mean Tara go away, Tommy loves Maddie."  She left crying.