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The day went by slow. I was so nervous about tonight, but also looking forward to it. But trying to keep myself calm, because I was still worried, usually when I am having a good time something bad happens. I am scared about tonight. Either Tara is going to get him alone, or some other girl, and he won't be able to resist. I'll look like a fool. Emma is telling me at lunch that won't happen.

She tries to reassure me and takes me back to work.  She calls Tom.

 She said, 'Don't take this the wrong way ok. but about tonight."

Tom says, "Go on" 

She said, "don't you be going off with some girl, and hooking up." 

 Tom said, "What, why would you think I'd do that. I would never do that to Madison. I'm not leaving her alone at this party."  

She said, "I didn't think you would, but she's worried." 

 he said, "about that?" 

 She said, "Don't mention it to her, she would be upset with me if she knew I told you, but yes she is worried Tara is going to get you alone, and you won't be able to resist."  

Tom said, 'I don't want Tara. Or any other girl"

 Emma said, "So you want Madison" 

he said, "no I mean any girl. I look she has nothing to worry about ok. I'd never do that to her." 

I got off, Tom was waiting for me in the waiting area. He came early. I said, "hey" 

He said, 'you ready"

 I said, "yep."  We leave. He opens the car door for me." 

 I said, "Thanks. so, what time do we leave for the party."  

He said, "7" I said, 'Ok."  

We go home.  The house is empty. I said, "Where is everyone?"

  He said, "mom and dad took Molly and Mia out to dinner, and then going to the drive-in theater for a couple movies." 

 I said," cool" 

Tom said, "hey we could do that sometime if you want."  

I said, "yeah sounds fun."  He is picturing us at the drive in, but not watching the movie.

I said, 'Tom, do you want me to make you something to eat?" 

 He said, "no we will have food there, all the moms get together and buy food."  

I said, "oh great so there will be chaperones" 

He said, "um no they just buy the food."  

I said, "oh" 

He said, 'Madison you will be safe. I won't let anything happen to you."

Emma came over.  I took her hand, I said, "can you come help me get ready" 

She said, "Sure."  We went upstairs to the bathroom to do my makeup.  And my hair.  

Tom came up he knocked on the door.  he said, "hey Madison"

 I said, "yes."  

he said, 'are you still going to wear my jersey"

 I said, "yes."  

he said, "ok well here it is."  He opened the door and handed it to me.  

I said, "Thanks Tommy" I smiled.  He grinned. 

Mike comes and Tom is pacing.  Mike said, "Hanson what's wrong" 

Tom said, "just nervous man. and don't say it."