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It was Saturday June 1st.  Tom woke up early, he didn't get much sleep thinking about how Saturday will go.  He went downstairs. His mom was in the kitchen having coffee.  She said, "morning you're up early"  Tom nodded.  

Tom said, "I couldn't sleep. So many emotions going through my mind."  She said, "I'm sure. How are you feeling?"

Tom said, "sick, scared, excited, nervous."   She said, "just try to relax. I'm sure today will go perfect."

Tom said, "mom I hope so.  I'm scared to death, what if she says no."

Margaret said, "Tommy she loves you so much. I think she is going to be so surprised, but  if she needs time just let her have it. That doesn't mean it's a no.  You are going to catch her so off guard."

Tom said, "Mom when dad proposed to you, were you caught off guard?"

She said, "yes I was. We hadn't been together long."

Tom said, "Madison and I have sort of been together longer, I mean we were fake but to me we weren't. We just never told how we felt."

Tom said, "I'm scared that I'm not going to be able to get the words out. I mean I look into her eyes and sometimes I just get lost. And I'm scared that she is going to say no."  She said, "Tom just try and relax. I know that it's hard.  I wish your dad was here, to help you with this."   Tom said, "me too. I need him. I wish I would have asked him if he was nervous when he proposed to you."  She said, 'He was, at least he told me he was, although I couldn't tell. He told me he was scared to death. Thought he might pass out."  They laughed.

Tom said, "I keep going over everything, making sure that today goes off perfect, no problems.  What if things go wrong. Nothing can go wrong mom. I need this to be perfect, so that tonight when I propose it's perfect."

Margaret said, 'Tom you have planned a beautiful day for Madison. Relax . Everything is under control. And even if some things go wrong, that doesn't mean tonight will. Just don't panic. We will be here to help you with any problems that may arise."  Tom said, "Thank you mom for everything. For helping with today, and for giving your blessing to ask Madison to marry me. I know we are young, and I know most parents would be dead set against it and forbidding it. Or trying to talk me out of it."

She said, "I love you Thomas. I know how much you love Madison, and I see you two and you remind me so much of your dad and I, when we first met, the insane connection, the love, and while yes you are very young, I know it's important to you to keep your promise to your dad."  Tom said, "I told him as soon as I tell Madison I love her, and I'm able to, I'm going to propose and make her my wife. I just wish he was alive when I told him that, and could hear me."  She said, "honey I think he heard you, and is watching down on you now. Offering his love and support. I'm very proud of the man that you have become."  

I came downstairs. Not expecting Tom to already be up.  I was just going to get a muffin and some milk and go back upstairs.  

Tom said, "morning Rain"  I said, "hi guys. I didn't know you were up."  Tom came and hugged and kissed me.    Margaret said, 'can I make you two breakfast?"  I said, "none for me thanks. I was just wanting a muffin and some milk and take it back to bed. "

Tom said he would just have what I was having.  Margaret left to go to the living room.

I said, "Tommy do you have time to sit with me"  Tom said, 'sure"  I said, 'Can we go sit in the recliner and cuddle up"  Tom said, "I would love that."  We went and got in the recliner.  Tom put his arms around me.  We were kissing.

We stayed like that for a few hours watching tv, and then at 10:00 Mike called. I went into the kitchen. I came back.  I said, 'Is Mike ready to go to the gym"  Tom said, "yeah I can tell him I will be awhile."  I said, "no you go on. Have a good day Tommy. I'm so happy you are going to spend a day with just the guys"  Tom said, "wait are you saying you are glad to get rid of me."  He put his arms around my waist, and pulled me to him.  He was kissing my neck.  I said, "no Tommy. I will miss you. But I feel bad that I stole you away from your friends."  Tom said, "Don't. I'm glad you stole me."  He smirked. Kissing me.  I said, "Good luck in your basketball game."  Tom said, "Rain I'm thinking I really want to win today, so I probably need some more good luck kisses. You think you can help me out with that"  I laughed.  Tom kissed me.  The girls had been down watching tv but went back upstairs to get dressed.