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Tom pulled into the parking lot. 

 Tom said, "hey I can leave the car on running so you have the air conditioner"

 I said, "no that's ok. I can get out, um oh you probably don't want me to watch you. Yeah, I'll just stay over here."

 Tom said, "you can watch." He grinned. His grin made me blush, made me hot, like I felt like my face was on fire.

We walked onto the track, he said, "if you get tired of watching and if the bleachers get too hard, here is my keys, and oh here is my phone. Will you keep it for me." 

 I said, "yeah sure." Still shocked that he would just hand over his phone like that.

I was watching him run. He is really just perfect. I mean his hair, his body, his chest, his shoulders, he smells wonderful, and not just his Polo cologne, but his scent, not sure if it's from his body wash, or his shampoo, but I could smell him all day long. That sounded terrible. His phone beeped; I looked down it was a text from Tara. Which shook me out of my fairy tale and daydreams about Tom.

I tried not look. But couldn't help it. It said, baby I know you are mad at me, but I will make it up to you. I know I hurt you with Bradley, but it was just we were drunk and hooking up. It meant nothing and the sex honestly is not good not like what you do to me, and what I do to you. Please just get over it and call me let me make it up to you.

I felt sick. I thought what am I doing here, Tara is going to find out I'm here with Tom, and she will be after me. besides I will look like a fool, because you know he is within days of getting back with her.

Tom came up to check on me, but I didn't see him. I had stopped watching him, and was just looking down, thinking. Tom startled me when he said, "hey Madison" He took a drink from his water bottle that he had left by me.

Tom said, "Madison" I jumped. 

 He said, "sorry i didn't mean to scare you, are you ok"

 I said, "yeah I really I'm sorry, I should get going." 

 I got up and started to walk. Tom ran after me. He said, "hey um if you are bored watching me it's fine, we can go, I promised you ice cream"

 I said, "Tom no I should just go start walking home" 

Tom scratched back of his head. He was sweaty. He lifted up his shirt, to wipe the sweat off his face. I about died.

Tom grabbed a hold of my arm. He said, "hey I don't understand you were willing to go let me buy you ice cream, and sit and talk to me, so I could ask you, what happened"

 I said, "nothing" 

He said, "obviously something did, you can't get away from me fast enough." 

 I said, "look you will probably want to be leaving, and I mean that way you can just go straight over."

He said, "What" 

I said, "I didn't mean to see, honest I didn't." 

 Tom said, "See what" He lifted up his shirt again. I wish he would quit doing that, it's making it really hard for me to concentrate, and talk coherently. I hope I'm not drooling.

I said, "your phone it beeped. I didn't mean to look." 

 He said, "oh let me guess, that bitch Tara texted" 

 I nodded. I said, "you probably want to go over and talk to her." 

 He said, "hell no I don't." He took his phone. He texted back leave me alone bitch.