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I would come to realize later how this decision has changed my entire life.  But at the moment, I have no idea how much. What this decision will mean for my future.

I am reeling.  Shaking, feel sick to my stomach, but exhilarating, almost like I feel I could fly, my heart is racing, beating so fast, and so loud, it almost scares me.  Can this really be happening. I mean I know it's fake, but still if I was Tom's fake girlfriend, that would mean we would hang out right, that would mean everyone would think we were dating, and he said we would need to convince them, and what does he mean by that?  I mean would we kiss, in front of everyone. I need to call Emma. I really need talked down, before I agree to this crazy idea. As much as I would love to do it, it just won't work out for me. I mean I'm already falling for Tom, and it will just end up with me being hurt. It won't be his fault. No way Tom Hanson could ever fall for me, or want to be with me. But spending time with him would be so awesome.

I was going to text Emma, but she texted me a question mark and said I'm waiting girl.  I called her.  She said, "how was watching Tom run and ice cream? Did he ask you what he wanted?" 

 I laughed. I said, "Oh My God Emma. You won't believe you absolutely won't believe it" 

 I was so excited that I was talking fast.  And just kept saying Oh my God and I can't believe what he asked me, I keep thinking I am dreaming."  

She was going nuts, saying, "Maddie calm down and tell me I'm going to die here waiting you need to spill."  

I realized I hadn't told her.  So, I started to and then realized that I couldn't.  

Dammit I can't tell my best friend. I need her advice. I tell her everything. I really need to get her thoughts on this. But Tom made it clear he wants someone who he can trust, that won't tell anyone, and I can't do that. He trusts me.  

I was thinking. Silent.  

She said, "Maddie are you there."  

I said, "Oh yeah sorry."  

She said, "Girl tell me what did he ask you."  

I said, "I can't. I'm sorry. I can't tell you."  

She said, "What you tell me everything. I tell you everything"  

I said, 'I know I mean I have to ask Tom first. Look he trusted me with something, and he made it clear that he doesn't want anyone to know, so I don't want to betray his trust. I'm sorry."  

She said, "I'm disappointed, but yeah I understand." 

 I said, 'I will call him and ask him if I can."  

She said, "Wait oh my God so you have his number." 

 I laughed and said, "yes he put it in my phone" 

She said, "So can you tell me anything about how your ice cream was."

I said, "yes, we went to get ice cream, I hid in his car, because I didn't want anyone thinking I broke in. Then we went to a park, and we sat ate ice cream, and talked. Then he drove me home."  

She said, "Oh my God Maddie. I'm so proud of you. You actually let him drive you to your home. you didn't lie to him"

 I said, "I made the mistake of telling him that I will see I told him I didn't want him to see my place and told him the girls at the clinic insist on driving me home, so I lie and say your house is my house, so he said you aren't going to lie to me are you, Madison Brady. Then he said, besides I have a way to make sure you're not lying, I will wait outside until you go in and go turn on your bedroom light and look out the window and wave at me."