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Madison's point of view

It was Monday.  I spent Sunday locked in my room, Bruno Mars playing and curled up in my blanket on my bed with my book.  I had bought 2 books. And before I buy them, I know I'm weird, but I actually read the ending of the book. Emma teases me and says that is crazy, but she knows why I do it. You see I don't have a life, and so I like to put myself in the book, and then I can be someone different. I can be the girl in the book, with a mom, a dad, friends, a boyfriend, a husband, kids. My dream life, the life I would love to have, but know I will never get the chance. So, I don't want to get a book, read it, invest in it, put myself in it, and then have it end badly where the man who is usually Tom, or Dennis, break my heart, cheat on me, or I cheat on him, and our relationship is ruined and over.  I made that mistake with a book, put myself in it, and then it was horrible. I got invested, only to have the girl in the book, who I was pretending to be me, be pregnant, but didn't want a baby, so instead of telling her boyfriend, who was Tom in my mind, she went and had an abortion. He found out and was destroyed, kicked her out of his life, and his heart, and ended up marrying her best friend.

Needless to say, I stopped reading the book, and then was depressed and upset about it for like a week. Stupid I know, but now I make sure that it ends happy,

It's Monday. I groaned as my alarm clock went off. It is set to my favorite song "Treasure". I love hearing the song, but at same time, hated to hear it, because it meant I had to get up, leave my safe haven of my bed, and start a new week at work. While I loved my job and loved seeing the animals. I had a bad week last week, was still depressed about losing that dog, and just wasn't really happy to start a new week. Not to mention I was still embarrassed about running into Tom and hoped that my coworkers didn't ask how my weekend was and I let on by my face that something happened.

All my coworkers were very sweet, all kind of took me in like family, and all thought that I should date, and wanted to set me up with someone, one of their brother's a guy from their church, their neighbor. They meant well, and Emma thought I should go, but I just was not good at going on dates. I've never been on a real date, alone with a boy, but Emma had tried by making afternoon dates with boys she knew,  but for me they were bad. I usually spilled my drink on the table, and I just it was too awkward for me. Back to my co workers,  that is why I had told them I had a boyfriend, but then when they wanted me to bring him to the annual picnic and asked why he never came to take me to lunch, why he let me walk to work, I came up with a lie that we broke up.

I got to work, and no matter how bad a mood I was in, or what kind of fight my mom and I got in, once I saw the dogs and the cats, it put me in a better mood. I just loved animals. My dream was to graduate, and move far away from this town, from my mom, and hopefully be able to go to college, but was not sure if that would happen without a college scholarship, we had no money. But I hoped that I could find a place, maybe Emma and I get a place, and I could get a puppy. I wanted a dog so bad. I had one once, but my parents hated it, and opened door, and it got hit by a car.

One of the dogs there was sick, and it spit up on me, not bad, like vomit, but mainly just white spit up. So, it was running down my vet shirt that we all have to wear.  I came back from that, and I noticed that there were people at the counter.  Sabrina was helping the lady. When I heard the bell to the door come in. I looked and was going to greet whoever it was, when I thought oh my God oh no what the hell. It was Tom Hanson.  I immediately backed up. Sabrina didn't notice. I managed to get all the way backed up behind this tall shelf that we have, it keeps all of our files, all the records, and has a lock and key on it with some of our medicines that need to be locked up. It was pretty tall shelf, so I was able to hide kind of behind it, hoping that Tom would get what he needs and leave.