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Wednesday morning we ate breakfast, then I went back upstairs to get ready. Tom was headed up to his room, his mom asked him to wait.  Molly and Mia were up getting ready.

Margaret said, "Tom, I wanted to run something by you. See what you think"  

Tom said, "ok mom"  

Margaret said, "I know tomorrow is going to be nerve wracking for Madison. She's nervous, and I don't want to add to her anxiety or stress. But I was wondering if you think it would bother Madison, if Mia and Molly were to see her in the locker room, before she goes out to the track. They both asked me, and are so excited to cheer her on. But if it will stress her out."  Tom said, "I think she would be ok with it. She loves them so much."

I said, "Margaret, it would be awesome. I would love it."  They both turned to look at me.  

She said, "Are you sure honey, I know that those girls barely give you a minute alone, and it's a big day for you."

I said, "I love them so much. I love spending every minute I can with them."

Tom put his arm around me.  He said, "they aren't the only ones excited to cheer you on"  He smiled.  I smiled.  I said, "Thanks"

Tom said, "This is a big deal. I finally get to cheer for you, instead of all the times you cheering for me." 

Margaret said, "i'm taking them out of school in the afternoon, so that they can be at the high school, since the track meet starts at 2.  I thought I would take them to lunch at noon and then head over."  I said, "I would love to have them with me. I'm so nervous even thinking about it I feel sick to my stomach. I really hope that I can do this, and don't embarrass you Tommy"  Tom said, "Madison, you could never embarrass me. I get you are feeling sick, and trust me, it's going to be way worse tomorrow. I've been so nervous before some games, especially early in my career, I got sick before."  I said, "so it's not just me."  Tom said, "no happens to a lot of athletes"

That night, Tom asked me if I  wanted to go get in the hot tub, and relax. He said I needed to let my body relax.  Tom's mom kept Mia and Molly busy so that they wouldn't bother me. I went and got Tom's shirt and Nike Shorts over my bikini.  Met him down in the pool.

Tom said, "Madison, I know that you are stressed, and nervous, and scared"  I said, "And feeling so sick to my stomach"  Tom said, "that's why I thought you needed the hot tub. Let your muscles relax. You really need to get a good night's sleep"  I said, "Tom, I don't think there is any way I can sleep. I'm too stressed and scared."  Tom said, "Madison, I know that, but trust me, if you don't sleep tonight, then it will hurt you tomorrow. I want you to be at your best for your races. If you are tired, then you won't be."

I said, "Tom, maybe I should quit."  Tom said, "if that's what you want to do, I'll tell the coach, but I think you should try." I said, "I am not going to be able to sleep one minute."  Tom smiled.

He said, "well I think I have an idea, if you will let me do it."  I said, "yes, please, anything that you can suggest."

Tom's voice went deeper. He said, "Rain, can I give you a full body massage."  I choked on my water that I was drinking. I can't even imagine what he means by full body massage. I mean I know that what I'm thinking of is not possibly what he could be, because I'm thinking all of my body, especially a couple parts.  I realize I am probably blushing, because my face is burning, and Tom is smirking.

I said, "Tom yes you can do whatever you think will work. You have all the experience."  Oh shit, did I just say that, I didn't mean it like that.   I feel like a complete idiot.

I said, "I mean you have performed. Dammit. I mean you are an athlete"  I have to say I think Tom was enjoying me trying to get my foot out of my mouth. He just kept smirking.