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Tom felt sick. He felt like a jerk as well. I mean he was pouting and in a bad mood, wishing Madison hadn't left to go to her friends, and was so happy when she called, but now he was almost wishing that she wasn't upstairs in his room on his bed. Because she was hurt, and he knew there was nothing he could do to help her, I mean he hated seeing her cry. It hurt him deep inside, which he didn't understand. he knew that Emma's family was like the only real family Madison had in her life, and now it imploded. And to make it worse, he couldn't answer her question. Why do guys do that, have sex with someone they don't care about, and hurt who they are with. He thinks to my credit, I never cheated on any girl. I may have broken up with the other girls a few weeks later, but I didn't cheat. I wouldn't do that.

Tom headed downstairs. His parents back from their walk, sitting on the couch, his mom's head on his dad's shoulder, and his dad's arm around her. They were watching a true crime story documentary on tv.  They both loved those, his dad because he was a cop, trying to figure out who did it, and his mom because she was a prosecutor. He stood on the stairs and watched them for a minute.  How did I not notice that they sit there and hold hands or sit there like that. I mean I've seen them do it all the time, and never noticed.

They saw Tom.  His mom said, "Hi honey"

 He said "hi. I'm going to fix Madison a sandwich, she didn't get to eat." 

 His mom said, "ok You should find something good, I just went to the store today" He went in the kitchen.

He came back out. He said, "mom, dad, can I talk to you a minute" 

They said "sure" His dad muted the tv.  Tom sat down, ran his hands through his hair. Tom said, "Can I ask you something dad" 

He said, "of course son" 

Tom said, "Dad why would a man throw away a 20-year marriage to get drunk and have sex with a girl he just met at a bar."  

Tom's parents were shocked, they did not expect that question.  Tom said, "Madison's friends parents' marriage is over" 

His mom said, "I'm sorry for Madison and for her friend.

" Tom said, "they were like the only family Madison ever had, I don't know how to help her, she's hurting too, and she asked me that question, and I'm a man, and I don't know why a man would do that"

Tom's mom said, "it happens all the time. But you are helping Madison by listening to her, and by being there for her. I'm sorry she is having to go through this."

 Tom said, "I didn't know what to tell her" 

His mom smiled.  he said, "mom why are you smiling" 

She said, 'just proud of you. You have really grown up a lot this past year."  

Tom said, "not really I should have dumped that bitch."

  She said, "well, I see a man now instead of a boy. I'm very proud of you son. The way you are so sweet with Madison, the way you care about her feelings, and want to make things ok for her, and are upset that you can't. That's a sign of a man, putting someone else ahead of yourself"

 Toms dad said, "your mom is right. I'm very proud of you son" 

Tom said, "you should never be proud of me dad" 

 Tom's mom said, "Tom that's not true, for the first time I'm seeing you worry so much about someone else, that you came down and asked your dad why a man would cheat, you'd be surprised at how many men do, and then how many men act like it's not a big deal, it's just sex, and the women should understand"

Tom said, "Exactly  that is exactly what he said to Emma's mom"

Tom's dad said, ' I've had good friends make that mistake. Some have been newly married, and some have been married as long as your mom and I. Stuff happens, and while you are responsible for your actions and choices, I believe it is important to have a plan, it is more how you try and avoid making those mistakes."