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I said, 'Jay thanks for coming. I just wasn't quite ready to go home, but I am now."  Jay said, "thank you for letting me hang out with you. Madison I'm sorry I guess I started this all by telling you, I feel bad."  I said, "no it's ok."  He said, "I should have asked Tom first. Now I feel bad his surprise is ruined for you."  I said, 'it's ok. I would have found out today anyway that they were lying. It upset me what you said but I didn't think they would lie, so instead I thought you were trying to break me and Tom up. I'm sorry Jay."  He said, 'no don't be."  

Tom went home.  Mia and Molly ran to him, looking for me.  Molly cried.  She said, "Madison isn't coming is she?"  Tom picked her up. She put her head on his shoulder.

Tom said, "she is going to come home, she just wanted a little time to herself."  Mia said, "She said she is coming home."  Tom said, "yes soon."  They were happy.  

Tom put Molly down, and then went up to his room.  Margaret followed him.

I came home, Mia and Molly ran to me. Mia said, 'Madison you are home for good right"  I said, "yes I'm not going to move out."  They were happy.  Both of them were crying telling me they were so sorry.  I said, "no don't be. I understand. I'm sorry that I upset you. I just needed to get away. Girls I'll be right back ok. I need to go upstairs for a minute."

I was going to let Tom know I was home, and then go to my room, and unpack my things. Tom's door was open and I could hear him and Margaret.

Margaret said, "Tom are you ok?"  Tom said, "no not really. I'm terrified that Madison is going to break up with me. How could I be so stupid" She said, "your heart was in the right place. But lying is never good."  Tom said, "I didn't even think it out, I mean that she could find out, I just didn't want her to know that I was planning something special for her. Mom if I lose her, I can't lose her.  Dammit I wish dad was here. I need him to tell me what to do, how to fix this."  She hugged him.  She said, "I'm sorry. I wish your dad was here too. It makes me so angry that he's not."

Margaret said, "I know I'm not as good as your father for advice, but just back off and give her space. I know how much she loves you, so I don't think you are going to lose her. But you can't minimize the pain of being lied to. I know the only reason you lied was because you didn't want to have to explain why you were at the mall with Emma, then she would know you were planning something for her, and you wanted it to be a total surprise."

Tom said, "Dammit mom. How could I be so stupid. Dad told me to protect our relationship. I just get her to be my real girlfriend, and now I may lose her. How do I fix this?"

Margaret said, "I don't think you will lose her. But it may take some time to work through this with her, she was lied to by you and Emma, and she felt betrayed. Just be patient with her. It's good that she agreed to come home."  Tom said, "yeah I'm grateful." Tom said, 'I felt bad lying, I was praying she wouldn't ask my plans, but when she did and I lied I felt bad, but I told myself that it is fine, because she can't find out about her surprise."

I knocked on his door.  They both looked.  They both said, "hi Madison"  Margaret hugged me.  She said, "I'm so glad that you came back home. I will see you in awhile."  She left.

I said, 'Tom I'm not ready to talk just yet, can you give me some time"  Tom said, "sure, I'll stay in here. Madison I'm so sorry. I understand why you're so hurt, and I was stupid and messed up. But I'll do anything to fix this, anything you want or need me to do. Please Madison don't break up with me."  I said, 'I don't want to break up."  Tom let out a deep breath.  He said, "oh God thank you Maddie."  I said, "it just hurts that you lied to me. I trusted you."  Tom said, "I know I'm so sorry. I wasn't thinking. All I was thinking about is trying to pull this surprise off. And to keep you from hearing about it. I mean I've asked a few of the guys to help, and had to swear them to secrecy."