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Saturday came.  I was excited, but nervous.  I couldn't sleep much Friday night.   Saturday morning, I was awake early.  

Tom said, "morning' 

I said, "morning"

 He said, "Are you going to relax Madison, I mean you tossed and turned all night long." 

 I said, "I'm sorry I woke you"

 He said, "It's fine, but you don't need to be worried about the date."

 I said, "I just don't want to mess it up, and embarrass you. We have a lot riding on this date. I mean to convince people, we need to be seen, and we need to post pics like a normal couple would. I'm awkward and clumsy around a crowd Tommy" 

He smiled.  He said, 'it will be fine. Don't worry."

I said, "After what I did last week at your picnic, made a fool of myself, I probably already ruined the whole thing. Everyone probably knows it's a sham"

 he said "No, they don't. Forget about that ok."

Emma came over to help me get ready, and of course Mia and Molly wanted to help.   Mia said we can go to my room Madison and then we can kick Tommy out.  He said not nice.

Tom knocked on Mia's door.

  Mia said, "Go away Tom"

 Tom said, "Madison Mike's here and we are going to go work out ok."  

I said, "ok" Mia said, "Tom don't be late" 

Tom said, "I won't."  I was filled with dread.  I said, "oh no what if he doesn't come back, I mean what if he forgets or"

 Emma said, "Don't worry Madison."  

Mia said, "if that happens then we will call him"

Mike and Tom went to work out at the gym, then Tom went to pick up flowers that he got. 

Mike said, "Wow pretty impressive. Let's see flowers, a private dinner at a beach, with her favorite meal, who says you don't know romance."

Tom said, "I want her first date to be a special memory for her, I mean we aren't real, but"

 Mike said, "but you want it to be, don't you?"  

Tom said, " I won't deny it. yes, I want her to be mine for real. But I'm not good enough for her, and I really need to get that idea out of my head. But I can't. I mean all I can think about is her. And what she is doing to me. I mean my body. Just watching her takes me there. And I am becoming obsessed with getting that kiss. Her lips drive me insane" Mike laughed.

Tom went in Olive Garden before he got the flowers and talked to the manager and explained what he wanted and that he would like to have it delivered to the beach, and he gave them the address. He said he would pay extra, so the manager said that one of her employees could do it. Tom explained the significance of the date that he wanted his girlfriend to feel special, since it was her first date. So, they thought he was romantic and wanted to help. Tom got a text on his phone confirming the time and address and the order.  

Tom asked Mike if he would help. He needed to get the chairs and table set up on the beach, but couldn't just leave them, so Mike said that he would be happy to come over and get them, put them in his trunk, and then go set them up right before Tom gets there.  Tom said that would be perfect.  Tom drove Mike there to show him the location. 

 Mike said, "This is a cool place"

 Tom said, "yes I hope she likes it I hope it's not a mistake, what do you think? You think she will be upset by it? "