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Second practice was getting over. Parents, and some of the girlfriends were starting to arrive, to watch the last part of practice. Molly had my hand. Mia was walking on one side, and Emma on the other. With Tom's mom and dad. I still want to think this is not real life. I mean I'm not with Tom's family and going to the family picnic.

Brad was late to the first practice, so he had to run laps, and he and Tom didn't really speak. The coach had called the both of them into his office a few weeks ago, to make sure that they would call a truce. They both agreed team came first.

Practice was over and the guys were standing around all together, and the coach had dismissed them. Brad walked up to Tom. He said, 'Hanson good practice."

 Tom said, 'Thanks, So Brad like I said in our meeting I'm ready to move on from the past. I actually have to thank you." 

 The guys were watching. Brad said, " thank me"

 Tom said, "yeah you did me a big favor being with Tara." 

Brad said, 'so you are hitting that fine piece of ass, I hear shy girls are the best." 

 Tom said, "you son of a bitch. he lunged at him and started punching him. He said, "you shut your mouth, don't you ever disrespect my girlfriend like that." 

 The guys are all shocked, because they've never seen Tom react and fight like that over a comment about his girl. He was relentlessly punching him. Brad was shocked, He fell, but Tom pulled him up and hit him again. The coach and the other players pulled them apart. 

He said, "I meant it as a compliment." Tom tried getting over to him.

We had just got up there to witness it.

 Tom's mom said, 'Molly let's go wash our hands." She looked at her husband, then took Molly. I was a little upset. I mean shocked that Tom could fight that way. I've never seen anyone punch like that. But I mean he obviously is not over Tara. 

The way he is attacking Brad. I knew he wouldn't be I shouldn't have let myself hope that he was. I mean he tried to act like he didn't care, but I knew he still did. Of course, he has been in denial, how could he not just care. This is proof.  I look around people are staring, the whole crowd, and some of the girls are looking at me.

Tara is there, and she pushes past me, almost knocking me down, as she came up from behind me, and shoved me with her arm. She headed straight to Brad and Tom. I really need to leave. Emma put her arm around me. I started to go. It made me sick to see Tara heading to Tom.  I wonder if she is going to try and calm him down, or if she is rushing to Brad.  if she is rushing to Brad, Tom will really be hurt.

The coach said, 'I get that there is bad blood between you, and I understand why Hanson, but you sat in my office and told me that you were going to put the team first and call a truce. What happened to that Hanson. First day of practice, and you show me and the team, and all the parents how little you respect and care for them."

 Tom said, 'I did call a truce, until that asshole talking disrespectful about my girlfriend, I shut him up."

I wanted to leave, I really did, but I couldn't.  I knew that I should leave, I was trying not to cry, and i was afraid I would cause a scene, but I couldn't stop the tears, when I heard Tom say that Brad disrespected Tara and that is why Tom attacked him like that. I mean this was a rage attack, not just a fight.  Brad didn't stand a chance. I've never seen someone hit like that.  And it's because Brad insulted Tara. I look around, and I see Tara's friends all laughing, pointing at me.  ok, so they can see that this is all fake, that we were just trying to get Tara, I'm so embarrassed. I should have known better than to think that this crazy plan could work. Now everyone here knows or will know. I need to leave now, before it's too late.   I continued to watch. I should have left. I wasn't prepared for what happened next.  Tom kissing Tara.  Well, he didn't really kiss her, she kissed him.  I felt sick, and couldn't stop the tears, ugly crying.  Tara is talking loudly, I'm sure so that everyone can hear, with me being the main person she wants to hear this conversation.