chapter 1Wake up with a hangover

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  Chapter 1 Wake up with a hangover

  In the early morning of late autumn, the whole world was shrouded in white fog, and the withered grass and trees in the wilderness were covered with a layer of crystal clear hoarfrost.

  In this frosty morning, people are so cold that they don't want to get up early.

  It was also in this early morning that the Xiaohe Ferry outside the Shibaili Mijia Village was extraordinarily lively.

  "I've got it, I've got another one!" the crowd exclaimed.

  "Come on two people to help, and carry this person back to the auditorium of the team." Production captain Mi Weiguo rubbed the top of his head irritably, confirming that the man lying on the ground was just in a coma, and was busy watching the crowd. Called two young boys from the village.

  "It's a sin! I heard that there were five people on the ferry this time."

  "How many have you caught now?" You just came to join in the fun and asked, not knowing the general situation.

  "This is the fourth one, and Fatty Qing is the only one left."

  "Fatty Qing?"

  "Yes, it's the daughter-in-law of Mi Zhu's family. I don't know how she chose to cross the river today?"

  "This boat is good . How did it turn over?"


  This is not easy to answer.

  "Do you see if that boat has caught something?"

  All the people followed the man's shouting and looked into the river in unison.

  A wooden boat near the shore picked up a sturdy body, no need for everyone to guess, the last one should be Qing Fatty.

  The fat man named Qing in the mouth of the villagers, whose full name is Yu Qing, is just twenty years old this year. When he was five years old, he was picked up by Mi Zhu and brought back to Mijia Village. It can be said that he grew up in Mijia Village since he was a child.

  In this situation now, many kind-hearted villagers are sighing when they see this scene, wondering if this girl can be saved after soaking in the water for so long?
  As soon as the person was brought ashore, Mi Weiguo dragged his daughter-in-law Li Xiaoju away from the crowd and squeezed in, confirming that the person was still alive, and hurriedly urged Li Xiaoju to help Yu Qing press her stomach to see if she could press the water out of her stomach. .

  Yu Qing spat out a lot of water, but she never woke up. Mi Weiguo looked at her wet and wet. In this frosty day, if she didn't keep warm, even if she didn't immerse herself to death, she would still freeze to death.

  He looked for the crowd and asked loudly, "Are the Mi Zhu family here?


  The anger in Mi Weiguo's heart can be imagined. When such a big incident happened by the river, the whole village was alarmed, and no one from his Mi Zhu family was present.

  What are they trying to do?
  Life was at stake, and there were still two still awake in the auditorium. Mi Weiguo snatched the quilt that the accountant had brought in advance, and asked his daughter-in-law to take off Girl Qing's coat and wrap the quilt around the person.

  He also quickly ordered the old Migen in the village to drive the ox cart. The three of them were unconscious. As the production captain, he had a heavy responsibility and had to send the three to the hospital as soon as possible.

  Yu Qing was in a daze, feeling cold all over, like falling into an ice cave. The worst part was feeling like someone was taking off her clothes, thinking that some jerk was trying to take advantage of her while she was drunk.

  Thinking of this, the heart became anxious, and the person completely fainted again.

  Yu Qing woke up again, and before she opened her nose, she smelled the familiar smell of disinfectant.

  Suddenly, she was shocked. Could it be that she was sent to the hospital because she was drunk and drunk?
  If this is the case, this time it will be a shame!
  She couldn't wait to open her heavy eyelids, and what caught her eye was a few wooden beams and a grey tile roof.

  This is
  "Are you awake? How are you feeling? Are you dizzy?"

  Yu Qing was startled, and when she rolled her eyes, she found a girl entering the door.

  "You are.?"

   This is my first attempt to write a chronology. Since I was a child, I have liked to listen to adults talk about their childhood events. I listen to it with relish every time, and I still have nothing to do with it.

    Therefore, I have always been full of curiosity and fantasy about the era in which the elders grew up...

    But before reading the article, I must emphasize that the story is fictional, the characters are virtual, and the parallel time and space are different from reality.

  (End of this chapter)

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