chapter 4 bad body

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  Chapter 4 Bad Body

  Yu Qing woke up again, it was already midnight.

  The lights in the ward had been turned off. With the bright moonlight outside the window, Yu Qing stared at the dark roof and finally sorted out the original owner's memory.

  The original owner, also called Yu Qing, is just twenty years old this year, and like her, she has been an outcast since childhood. When he was five years old, he was picked up by Mi Zhu from the roadside.

  The Mi family has been passed down for three generations. When Mi Zhu married Li Juhua, the couple had a son and a daughter. The son was one year older than the original body, and the daughter was two years younger than the original body.

  In the superstition that picking up a child and returning it can bring blessings to the family, it doesn't matter if you have a girl in the family. When you grow up, marry a son and you can avoid the trouble of asking your daughter-in-law.

  Therefore, the original body was taken as the fiancee of Mi Jin of the Mi family, and was brought up.

  Who knows, after her fiance Mi Jin became sensible, she always disliked her being fat, black and sloppy. On the night of the marriage, he escaped from the village while his family was not paying attention to show his dissatisfaction with the marriage.

  After Mi Jin ran away from home, he had not heard from him.

  Some people said that they went to be the son-in-law of someone else's house, some people said that they went with a foreigner, and some even said that they were recruited to go down in a black mine, anyway, they said everything. The grandfather of the Mi family was not in good health. Their original intention to marry their grandson was to embrace their great-grandson as soon as possible.

  The Mi family blamed all this on Yu Qing!

  Therefore, Yu Qing was living in dire straits in Mi's house. She didn't have enough to eat and clothed herself, and she woke up earlier than chickens and slept later than dogs.

  Not long ago, my family unexpectedly received a letter.

  Only then did the Mi family know that Mi Jin had been with the army in the north and south of the country over the past few years. He had made meritorious deeds and was injured. This time he sent the letter back because he had settled down. long.

  In the past few years, he met the girl he liked and was about to get married.

  The original owner wanted to go to City C to ask Mi Jin for an explanation, but who would have thought that the boat would overturn before crossing the river by boat before leaving the boundary of the village.
  Yu Qing frowned slightly.

  During this period of time, she heard from the older generation that it was really hard. The original owner was an example. In these difficult years, traffic depends on walking, and communication depends on roaring.

  She wanted to go back, her live broadcast room was still waiting for the auspicious time to start the next day, but she didn't have the courage to let her die again.

  As long as you can live, you can live.


  As soon as he turned his head, his entire scalp hurt.

  That dead woman was really ruthless. It was the first time in two lives that she suffered such a big loss, and she was suffocated to death.

  The beam is done! Hate her, she will definitely find a chance to get revenge back!

  It's all to blame that this body has just woken up and been hungry for another day, so it has no strength to resist.

  Noticing the tea jar on the cabinet next to her, Yu Qing struggled to prop up her body and sat up, reached out and filled half of the tea jar with cold water, which made her throat and stomach feel a little better.

  Through the moonlight, I caught a glimpse of the black fat little hand holding the cylinder ear for a while. Putting down the teapot and pinching the fat around his waist, he remembered to check the physical condition of the original owner.

  The original body has grown into a big fat man of 160 pounds. It is not because the living conditions of the adoptive parents are very good. On the contrary, the adoptive parents are very poor, just like most of the rural people today. .

  She usually works more at home, eats less, and eats poorly. She got up earlier than chickens, slept later than dogs, and was often rubbed by her mother-in-law Li Juhua.

  As for why she grew into a big fat girl, Yu Qing is not clear at present. She once lived in the era of information explosion. Based on her experience, she guessed that it should be related to physical weakness and endocrine disorders.

  (End of this chapter)

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