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  Chapter 186 The eternal luxury of real estate
  Those tails that follow are like rats in the ditch, they can't see the light.

  After waking up the next day, Yu Qing went out again refreshed. During the day, she was not afraid of these little bastards. In broad daylight, they dared not do anything in the streets with people coming and going.

  The four people in the hotel probably knew that she bought goods and didn't want anyone to follow them. They had a tacit understanding and didn't ask anything, as long as she was not in danger and could bring them money.

  This time, Yu Qing went directly to Haiwei Street and found a local man's shop.

  The local man and his friends like to call him Brother Hai, and those who are older than him call him Haizai.

  When Yu Qing arrived, Brother Hai had just woken up, and it was unexpected that this pretty girl would find him in his shop.

  "Morning girl, have you had breakfast? If you haven't eaten, come and have some with me." Early in the morning, the God of Wealth came to the door, and Brother Hai greeted her warmly.

  "Thank you, I've eaten."

  "The beautiful girl came here to ask me for something?" Brother Hai asked someone to sit down and poured her a cup of tea. "If you have anything to say, please help me.

  " What is beyond the scope of ability is powerless.

  A gleam of light flashed in Yu Qing's eyes, and the signature smile on her face was even sweeter, "I came to bother you early in the morning. We will go back tomorrow and come to say goodbye to you."

  Brother Hai was in a hurry when he heard that he was leaving, so he didn't wait for her to say Then he interrupted: "You guys are leaving tomorrow? Oh! Yangcheng is such a good place to make money, why are you leaving? Don't stay for a few more days, or you can stay in Yangcheng. As long as you stay in Yangcheng, Brother Hai will cover you." Looking at you."

  Yu Qing was stunned, then smiled helplessly, "Brother Hai, we still have jobs in the local area."

  "Work, I know what your jobs are for mainlanders. It's nothing more than working in a factory and getting a few dollars a month. Ten yuan is enough to support a large family, and life is tight and difficult." Hai Ge pointed at the table with his finger, and said arrogantly: "It's better to spend a day here than to spend a year in your local area, don't you believe it? ?”

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