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  Chapter 146 Big

  Shock When eating dinner next door, Ji Daming looked at the big vegetables and fried bacon on the table, and accidentally glanced at his wife who was helping the family with dinner.

  "Why are you willing to fry bacon today?"

  Usually, when I want to eat some meat, this stinky woman is always chattering.

  Zhu Mei placed the bowl in front of the father and son and sat down, "Today, the girl next door chopped up a lot of big vegetables and gave me a few to try. This dish doesn't taste good without meat oil, so I cut a few slices." "

  Ji Daming picked up two pieces of meat for his two sons, frowned and asked, "You asked them for it?"

  "No way, sister Yu Qing gave it to me voluntarily."

  Ji Daming stopped holding the vegetables, his expression worried : "Did you talk to them about the embarrassing things in the countryside?"

  "No. Others are too busy with their own affairs, so how can they have time to listen to my trivial matters." Zhu Mei could not know the dark thoughts in her husband's heart, no I just don't want to mention my previous life in the countryside to others, for fear that others will look down on him.

  But he doesn't think about it either. A person who wants others to look up to you is not your past, but your current achievements or future potential.

  Although she is an uneducated rural woman, she still understands the basic principles of life. Every time he comforted him, he always said in a disdainful or contemptuous tone: "If I didn't go to the countryside to stay for so many years, do you think my achievements are limited to this?"

  Well, no matter how reasonable what she said, he never If you think in your heart that you are incompetent and uneducated, he will not listen to you.

  Her origin used to be a life-saving talisman, but now that he has returned to the city, her origin is the original sin.

  "It's not the best. When dealing with people in the residential area, don't always bring up the past. You usually talk more. Forget it, what can you chat with them." Ji Daming picked up a piece of meat for himself.

  Zhu Mei picked up two more pieces of meat for her sons, and ate a piece of big cabbage by herself, "Well, don't mention it, this cabbage tastes really good when fried together with meat."

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