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  Chapter 416 Mobilization meeting before the
  "Dragon Boat Festival is two days away, can't we play one more day before going back?"

  After a love affair, Yu Tiantian endured the exhaustion and sat aside to sort out the gains from shopping today. She thinks that Buddha City is a shopping paradise for women.

  The coastal provinces are different from the inland provinces. The policy of reopening is implemented the fastest and most comprehensively on their side, which cannot be caught up by their local sycophants.

  Jian Wenji closed his eyes slightly, lying on the bed with a satisfied expression, "If it wasn't for you, I would have liked to take the evening train back. I decided to go back tomorrow is already the deadline, and I have a lot of things to do before the day after tomorrow. Wait for me to deal with it."

  "But I don't want to go back yet."

  "If you don't go back, you still want to stay outside forever?" Jian Wenji sighed, "Besides, I bought everything you want, yes It's time to go back."

  After staying outside for a few days, except for the normal search for goods, the other time the two of them were like newlyweds on their honeymoon, unrestrained and willful.

  Such a day is like a fairy.

  He is a man, and he is more attached to this kind of life than a woman. However, in this world, how many people can live as they please?
  Indulging for a few days is already a luxury, and it is time for them to return to reality.

  The next day, even though Yu Tiantian was reluctant, she still embarked on a journey back to Yip.

  After returning to Yicheng and taking a rest for the night, Jian Wenji and Yu Tiantian came to the office full of vitality again, and everyone was present.

  Jian Wenji looked at the refreshed and energetic Xiao Xiaofeng and asked, "Xiaofeng, did your trip to the next city go well?" Xiao Xiaofeng has been

  back for two days, and knowing that Jian Wenji's team hasn't returned yet, he is at home After resting for two days, today is the last day before the festival to go to work. He was afraid that the unit would have something to explain, so he came to work today.

  Upon hearing the question, he gritted his teeth and said, "Everything is going well. The wires have been consigned and put into the temporary warehouse for the hotel project." It is worth mentioning that, along with them, the two

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