c 321-325

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  Chapter 321 Gift
  "Well, good boy, sister has a gift for you tomorrow, you will definitely like it when I see you tomorrow." Yu Qing rubbed his fluffy little head.

  "Really?" Ruan Nan rubbed against Yu Qing, "Sister, can you tell me what gift it is now?"

  Yu Qing shook her head mysteriously, "Don't worry, you'll know when we meet tomorrow."

  "Okay " Ruan Nan pinched a small biscuit and stuffed it into his mouth, squinting his eyes slightly to enjoy it. Anyway, if there is a gift, then wait.

  Grandma Ruan, "Nannan, you ate biscuits, you need to brush your teeth before going to bed."

  "Grandma, I know."

  "How many packets of tea are there?"

  Grandma Ruan took out a few more packets of tea, she didn't know How to say this granddaughter, you said that you came to your mother's house, did you evacuate your mother-in-law's house?

  The grandson-in-law really has no objection?

  Yu Qing picked up a few packs of tea leaves, "This is for Grandpa and a few older brothers."

  After finishing speaking, she joined the group of men chatting.

  "Here, here are tea leaves for you, one pack per person."

  Mr. Ruan, Ruan Xiuhua, and the Four King Kong each had a pack.

  Ruan An exclaimed: "I have it too!"

  Yu Qing pinched her earlobe, "Well, you can give your bag to your aunt, you usually don't drink tea at school."

  "Qing Qing is right, you donate this bag to the family Entertain the guests." Shi Huilan snatched the tea leaves from her youngest son, and happily weighed them in his hands, at least one catty, enough for her to drink at home for a year.

  "In this life, I finally drink the filial tea that my daughter and son-in-law respect."

  Mr. Ruan sniffed it under his nose, and said cheerfully, "Your husband and wife have a heart." The

  three great kings smiled at each other and quickly thanked: Thank you Qingqing and brother-in-law, the brothers accepted it with a smile."

  "As long as you like it." Xiang Yisen didn't dare to take the credit, "Qingqing took pains to prepare these."

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