c 231-235

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  Chapter 231 The heavy responsibility is entrusted to you

  This four-day vacation, yesterday's morning shift, today is really the first day of vacation, excluding half a day to go back, they have three and a half days to tinker with this yard.

  Not long after, Xiang Yisen came back on his bicycle, followed by Brother Hua and another man.

  "I'm back." Yu Qing stepped forward and looked at the 90% new bicycle he was pushing into the yard, and asked with a smile, "Did you ride the bicycle from the dormitory?"

  "Yes." Xiang Yisen parked the bicycle, He swiftly untied the tool bag tied to the back seat, "I called Brother Hua and the others to help, and during these few days of vacation, I want to install everything that can be installed."

  "Okay, listen to you "After that, Yu Qing greeted Brother Hua and the other two with a smile, "I will trouble Brother Hua and this brother these few days."

  "It should be, younger siblings, please don't be polite to me." Looking at another man, he said, "You can just call him Dazhang, a brother who will work with me."

  It was the first time she heard the word 'siblings', Yu Qing had a thick skin, and her cheeks became hot involuntarily.

  After a few pleasantries, everyone started working.

  Connecting water pipes is Da Zhang's specialty, and Xiang Yisen entrusted him with this job. He took Brother Hua into the main room by himself.

  As soon as he entered the living room of the main room, Brother Hua was startled by the items piled up in the living room, "Issori, where are these?"

  He took out a piece of aluminum gusset from the cardboard box, "Tsk tsk, this workmanship is very beautiful, where are these put?" What?"

  Xiang Yisen pointed to the top of his head, "Put it on top, to seal the roof."

  He didn't know how to put it on, so he had to ask Yu Qing.

  Standing behind the two, Yu Qing looked up at another pile of log stairs and said, "This ceiling will be installed last, and we will install the stairs first today."

  After that, she took out an installation guide from her pocket and handed it to Xiang Yi Sen, "Please take a look at the installation instructions for this staircase."

  "And the installation instructions?" Brother Hua leaned closer and looked at the paper. The words are very small, with text instructions and simple picture instructions.

  After Xiang Yisen read the instructions, he led Brother Hua to look around the innermost corner of the living room, considering the direction of the entrance and the direction of the exit above.

  The two discussed for a while before starting to look for the main parts and accessories of the wooden stairs.

  Yu Qing was at the side to help the two of them fight occasionally.

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