chapter 9

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  Chapter 9 Fortunately
  , "The Mi family boy is back!?"

  Mi Weiguo was shocked, he hadn't heard from Mi Zhu, their family really could hide such important news.

  "Well, it's been a while since I came back." Yu Qing lowered her head, not wanting Mi Weiguo to see the expression on her face.

  For the time being, she didn't want him to know the truth. She was afraid that he would stop her. After all, they were all surnamed Mi!

  "That's fine." The husband and wife haven't seen each other for many years, so it's normal to want to visit.

  Mi Weiguo thought of the Mi family who had not yet appeared, and felt annoyed in his heart. But looking at the little girl in a shabby and thin suit.

  She said with pity, "I'll write a letter of introduction for you, and do you have any money on you?"

  Yu Jing shook her head honestly, the original owner fell into the river, and fluttered in the river, throwing away the only few dollars on her body. She found the few dollars from Li Juhua. Don't even think about tickets, there are not many tickets in the entire Mi family.

  This time, when I came to the county seat, Mi Weiguo brought a hundred or so dollars, and several people spent dozens of them in the rescue, and now there is still a little bit left, "I still have about twenty dollars and some food stamps on me. Four taels of food stamps, remember to pay me back when you meet Mi's kid, these are the production team's money."

  Yu Qing nodded embarrassedly, alas! A penny beats a hero.   In order to ease the atmosphere, she asked, "Uncle Mi

  , do you know why Aunt Yu always said that I killed her son?"

It's all stuck between your teeth, it's not like seeing you in a boat with her son, you're in a coma. In the end, you're fine, but her son didn't wake up. In addition to the rumors in the village, there must be a way to vent your anger and anger. You Don't worry about it, it'll be fine after this period of time."

  Yu Qing stared, this robber logic, her son's failure to wake up has nothing to do with her, could it be that if her son doesn't wake up, others can't wake up, and they all have to die?
  Everyone Unlucky, she was happy?

  Taking advantage of Mi Weiguo's presence, it happened that the doctor also went to work. Yu Qing returned the tea jar and hurriedly took him to go through the discharge procedures together. The eldest sister at the payment office saw that the girl who was in a coma after being soaked in water yesterday was standing in front of her alive.

  I couldn't help laughing, and I was happy for her from the bottom of my heart: "The girl is lucky to survive this hardship. When you leave the hospital, remember to thank the two young men who brought you here yesterday. If they didn't drive you to the hospital in time, it would be delayed. It 's over."

  Yu Qing was stunned, suppressed her doubts, and smiled politely: "What the eldest sister said is true." When the

  eldest sister saw that she heard her words, she was happy, and she quickly helped her finish the discharge procedures.

  Standing in the yard of the hospital, with the warm sun on her head, Yu Qing looked at the bill of charges. This hospitalization cost 18 yuan. This money is definitely not available in the team. .

  From the memory of the original owner, it was found that the reason why the Mi family was not present yesterday was because the Mi family was stunned by the original owner, otherwise the original owner would not have the opportunity to go out and take a boat.

  Yu Qing didn't want to worry about whether the Mi family would pay the money. She asked her doubts in her heart: "Uncle Mi, didn't the team send us to the hospital yesterday? I just heard the words of the eldest sister charging, it seems that they are two young men from our village. Are you there?”

  Speaking of what happened yesterday, Mi Weiguo is still grateful, “No, isn’t a hydropower station built a dozen miles away from our village? They are the workers of the hydropower station, and they go back to the city. I happened to pass by our village, and they reached out to help when this happened, and it was thanks to them, otherwise, "

  Otherwise, more than one Meng family boy can't wake up, and the other two may not wake up.

  (End of this chapter)

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