chapter 23-24

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  Chapter 23 Profiting
  Yu Qing heard that the other party's tone was not good, she rolled her eyes, thinking in her heart, do you need to answer the secret code when you come to this place?
  But for the first time, she didn't know what the secret code was!   When the other party was impatiently

  waiting, Yu Qing's heart sank, and she confessed honestly: "Selling or buying things."

Sell ​​or buy?"

  Is there a difference between selling and buying?

  "Pay 20 cents."

  Yu Qing took out the 20 cents ticket and handed it in, only then did she know that there was no need to pay to buy things.

  When I entered the market, I found out that the lights were dark. The seller stood still on the side of the road, and the buyer walked back and forth with a flashlight.

  Passing by the seller, I turned on the flashlight and looked at the things on the ground. I didn't have what I wanted, and soon the flashlight was turned off again, as if I was afraid of wasting the battery.

  This is why Yu Qing saw lights in the distance.

  "Really cautious." Yu Qing muttered in her heart.

  Yu Qing did not squeeze in a crowded place, but found a corner where no one was there and took out the contents of the cloth bag.

  There are not many other things in her studio, but there are many clothes, shoes and hats. But very few were able to come out.

  This time, she didn't find clothes that fit this era. She only found two black scarves and a raincoat for an electric bicycle, and tried them in the water first.

  Black scarves should not be out of line in this era. Raincoats are second-hand goods that employees have used for a long time. Many people in this era have bicycles. This raincoat should not be difficult to sell.

  Sure enough, the first two scarves were sold for 6 yuan, and the raincoat was finally bought by a man in formal clothes for 7 yuan.

  The first time she came to the market to sell things, Yu Qing received 13 yuan, and except for the 20 cents she handed over, she made a total profit of 12 yuan and 80 cents.

  Yu Qing finally had her own money in her pocket, and Yu Qing felt a lot more at ease. She patted her pocket and felt in the mood to visit the market.

  However, there is no bustle of roadside stalls, and everyone, whether it is a seller or a buyer, is tacitly silent, and will not ask questions unless it is necessary.

  Not to mention loud noises!

  After strolling around, most of the products are related to food, but a few daily necessities. Yu Qing passed a booth and stopped when she saw handmade cloth shoes on the ground.

  "Is there a size 37 for these shoes?"

  "A size 37?" The

  stall owner was a middle-aged woman. Due to the darkness, she couldn't see her face clearly. When someone came to ask, she hurriedly said, "This eldest sister, are you wearing it yourself?"

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