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  Chapter 481 Seeing the world Leaving
  the power station, Yu Qing ate golden jujubes and sighed, "I didn't expect Xiaoyu and Peng Guoli to come together."

  Xiang Yisen joked while driving: "What do you mean by that? Feel like a flower stuck in cow dung?"

  "Haha!" Yu Qing was overjoyed when she heard this, and she found that her man's description was very accurate.

  "As you said, the flowers were planted on the cow dung. Today, the flowers are too delicate and beautiful. I am worried that the flowers have already absorbed the nutrients of the cow dung." Xiang Yisen was amused by the metaphor of the little wife, and

  followed Her words said: "Your worry seems a bit unnecessary. I am looking at the face of flowers, and she is enjoying it. However, after absorbing, the fragrance of flowers will be stronger or weaker, we will have to wait and see later. "

  Yu Qing raised her eyebrows, recalling Li Xiaoyu's complexion, it was as delicate as a drop of water, it was indeed as Xiang Yisen said, the two of them were at the time of deep love.

  It's just that, I still feel that Peng Guoli's character is not good.

  However, individuals have their own fate, she just has a better relationship with Li Xiaoyu, not to the point where her girlfriends can talk about everything. She still understands the truth of exchanging shallow words and deep words.

  It's just
  "Is it because I became ugly when I was pregnant, so you start to pay attention to other women now?"

  Yu Qing's words made Xiang Yisen look sideways: "How do you say that?"

  Yu Qing snorted: "Otherwise, why don't you Do you know that people are enjoying the nourishment of cow dung juice?"

  "Ahem!" What do you mean?
  "What? Am I wrong?"

  "No!" Xiang Yisen was amused, haha, return the cow dung juice, next time he sees Peng Guoli he will think of the cow dung juice.

  Seeing his little wife's unkind eyes, he replied with a strong desire to survive: "I just glanced casually. In my husband's eyes, even if you are in the late pregnancy, it is not comparable to any woman outside. You She will always be the prettiest girl in my heart!"

  After listening to his words, Yu Qing was in a beautiful mood and also found it funny, why did the two of them go so wrong while chatting?
  On the way back, passing by the village where he bought chickens last time, Xiang Yisen stopped the car again, and came back with a chicken coop after a while, which contained a cage full of chickens, at least five or six.

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