c 276-280

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  Chapter 276 Premeditated
  Yu Qing lay on the bed after taking a shower, still feeling a little guilty. During this period of time, she was so busy every day that she seemed to have forgotten to help Xiang Yisen clean up the upstairs room.

  When the man goes back, he has to clean up the room. He won't be angry with her, will he?

  Leaning against the head of the bed, when her hair was almost dry and about to go to sleep, the door was opened.

  Xiang Yisen walked in in his pajamas.

  Yu Qing's eyes widened, and she asked in surprise, "Why did you come down?"

  Xiang Yisen stated the facts lightly: "There is dust everywhere upstairs, even on the bed, so I can't sleep. I'll squeeze in your place at night."

  Yu Qing felt guilty for a moment, but when she thought that it was a single bed, she protested: "No, how can two people sleep in such a small bed? You go back to your upstairs to sleep."

  Xiang Yisen would not go back honestly. Squeeze into bed.   " Hey

  , we sleep together tonight. We haven't seen me for a few days. Don't you miss me?"

His return today was premeditated.

  Yu Qing grabbed his flailing big hand, "Then you sleep well, let me rest for a few hours, and I have to go to work in the early morning."

  Hearing this, Xiang Yisen's hand stopped, and he obediently responded : "Okay."

  "Then you reach out and turn off the light."

  "Snap." The

  bedroom was instantly pitch black, and there was only one street light far outside.

  Listening to each other's breathing, Yu Qing adjusted her sleeping position, trying to use the space as much as possible so that both of them could sleep more comfortably.

  Xiang Yisen hugged her from behind, and he could feel the softness of her body through the fabric. There was no wife to hug these days, and it was boring to sleep at night.

  Now that he finally hugged his wife again, how could he listen to her to sleep honestly, otherwise he wouldn't deliberately choose to come back in the afternoon, it would be easier to come back tomorrow.

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