c 121-125

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  Chapter 121 I'm leaving again tomorrow
  "I'm back, sit down and eat quickly."

  "Didn't I tell you to eat first, why are you waiting for me again?"

  "I'm used to it."

  Hearing this, Yu Qing stared at the person serving her food Back view, habit is really a good word at this moment.

  "Why are you in a daze, let's eat." Xiang Yisen put a bowl of rice in front of her.   Yu Qing flexed her wrist, she was really tired after a busy day

  today, "Thank you."

  Xiang Yisen noticed her little movement, "Wrist pain?"

  "More than that, today I feel sore all over my body."

It will be much more comfortable to take a bath in hot water." Xiang Yisen put a piece of fat and thin pork into her bowl.

  Yu Qing stared at the braised pork in the bowl and slightly raised her eyebrows, "Thank you."

  The braised pork made from green local pigs tastes delicious. Although it is a bit fatter, Yu Qing handles it well. The salted vegetables are steamed together, the time is well controlled, the fat meat melts in the mouth, and the lean meat is soft.

  "It's been a long time since I've eaten such delicious braised pork. You can eat a few more pieces." Yu Qing wanted to help Xiang Yisen pick up vegetables, but seeing that her chopsticks had already moved, she held back.

  "You can eat more if it tastes good."

  "I'll forget it, I'm losing weight. Comrade Xiang, have you noticed that you've changed since you joined me."

  Xiang Yisen looked at her suspiciously, "What? Has it changed?"

  Yu Qing counted, "I've changed a lot, I'm not as indifferent as before, and I've slowly developed into a warm man."

  Xiang Yisen asked back: "You don't want me to change?"


  "No That's it!"

  After dinner.

  Before going upstairs, Xiang Yisen seemed to think of something, and said to Yu Qing, "I'm going to the city tomorrow, so you don't have to cook for me."

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