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  "Ruan Xiuhua, who do you think is a crazy woman?"

  Su Jing was so pissed off by his words, she came here at first to complain about injustice and to watch the fun, but she couldn't control the volume for a while and the sound became louder, so she was baffled Has she become a crazy woman?
  The most important thing is, she is clearly considered an urban beauty at her age, so how did she become a woman in the mouth of the other party?
  Ruan Xiuhua, a big man, is too lazy to flirt with this crazy woman!
  Zhou Jingfang was amused by Ruan Xiuhua's ignorance and Su Jing's outrage, so he wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh.

  Yu Qing noticed Zhou Jingfang's suppressed smile, hey! Doesn't seem to be what she thought?

  "Aunt Zhou, why do you look like you want to laugh but don't dare to laugh? What's going on?" As soon as the

  words fell, everyone's attention was focused on Zhou Jingfang.

  "Ahem, I didn't laugh, what should she say about this"?

  Su Jing pointed at Yu Qing and asked, "Jing Fang, what are you laughing at? Are you laughing back because of this little fairy's anger?"

  Yu Qing was stunned!
  She widened her eyes, when did she offend this aunt?

  But if you lose, you don’t lose, so first scold back and then say: "Who is the little goblin scolding?"

  Su Jing retorted very quickly: "The little goblin scolded you!"

  Zhang Li stood behind and tugged at Su Jing's sleeve. The anti-generals didn't know it, but she was really worried about Sister Su's IQ!
  Su Jing shook off the sleeves that were pulled: "Lili, why are you dragging me? You haven't seen this little goblin get involved in other people's families so confidently and without guilt at all. This is the thickest-skinned woman I've ever seen this year, no? One!"

  The men present and Yu Qing were shocked!

  After going on for a long time, this woman regarded her as a third party who destroyed other people's families, but
  Yu Qing pushed her unceremoniously: "Speak clearly, when did I get involved in someone else's family? You said it as if you knew me, but I remember that I didn't even know which green onion you were!" Zhou Jingfang held her

  up Su Jing, who staggered back two steps, frowned and explained: "This is all a misunderstanding, Su Jing misunderstood you." Su Jing stood firm, brushed Zhou Jingfang's

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