c 476-480

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  Chapter 476 This Man

  Hearing this, Xiang Yisen's expression darkened, and he stared at Lu Jinzhong with unkind eyes.

  Seeing this, Yu Qing lowered her head and smiled, and checked the three property certificates. One was entered first, the other was entered second, and the last set was entered three. Her name was written on all the property certificates.


  My man is a man who can do things.

  "Comrade Lu, how much did you pay for it yourself?"

  Lu Jinzhong showed her his two property certificates, "Two sets of two houses cost me nearly 50,000 yuan, and almost all my savings have been spent. It's over, I only have a little working capital left in my pocket."

  "It's worth the money." Yu Qing happily put away the three property certificates.

  "Your three sets cost more than 130,000 to nearly 140,000 in total. The money you gave me is only about 200 yuan. I will not give you this money. It will be counted as my running errand expenses.

  " She made a special trip to the capital and helped her buy three properties. The two hundred yuan for running errands was a bargain, so Yu Qing agreed without thinking.

  Looking at the tiredness between his brows, he suggested, "Okay, I've been in the car for two days, what's the matter, let's talk about dinner in the evening, do you want to wash up first, change your clothes before going to sleep? I'll let you sleep after dinner. Sen calls you."

  Lu Jinzhong nodded, it was really tiring to ride the train for two days, and seeing that the matter was explained clearly, it was time for him to go to rest.

  When he went to wash up, Yu Qing wanted to make the bed in the other bedroom. Xiang Yisen knew her motive when he saw her open the closet, and snatched the work from her without saying a word.

  "I'll come here. It's inconvenient for you to do things with a big stomach, so you can sit outside and bask in the sun."

  When cooking in the evening, Yu Qing specially asked Xiang Yisen to cook meals for four people. Li Xiaoyu didn't wait until the meal was over.

  Before going to bed, she had been pricking up her ears to pay attention to the movement of the courtyard door, and there was no knock on the courtyard door until she was lying on the bed before going to bed.

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