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  Chapter 551

  "If you want to look for it, then look for it, don't encourage me."

  Han Xue looked at him contemptuously: "You say you, if you want to look for it, find one while you are young. If you work harder, you may still be able to return." I can give you a son to carry on the family line, if you don't look for it now, look for it when you are older, I think you are looking for abuse!"

  Zhou Yalun glanced at her thoughtfully, turned around her and moved away.

  "What are you looking at me for? Look at me, and I want to talk about you too." Han Xue sat upright, as if she regarded herself as the aunt of the neighborhood committee again.

  "Don't look for it now when you are young, but look for it when you are old. Why do you find an old woman to come back? Are you short of someone to serve you? Or do you have too much money to spend, so find someone to come back to help you spend it? Or is it that you are young and bear it?" , When you get old and old, you can't help it anymore? Do you have to find someone to come back to satisfy you?"

  "Ahem!" Zhou Yalun waved his hand, his face flushed: "You woman, why don't you have any scruples when you say anything? Dare to say it?"

  "It's not that I haven't experienced anything, and you are the same, why are you still pretending to be a pure white paper?" Han Xue pouted, thinking that this man still likes to hold it like a young man, arrogant It's useless, and I don't know how to learn my lesson at all.

  Hold it!

  The consequence is that the favorite lesbian will marry someone else, and the wife who is married to Mingmei will run away with someone else, and finally become a lonely family.

  Zhou Yalun seemed a little moved by what she said, "You mean you want to find someone now, and you can have a son?

  " Someone will be filial to you when your son gets old."

  Zhou Yalun sighed and asked: "What if the other party has children?"

  "If you like someone at your age, if you have children, you will have children. When you grow up by your side, The child will be filial to you in the future."

  Tong Yalun asked again: "What if the other party doesn't want to go any further?"

  Han Xuebai gave him a look: "Why are you so stupid! In this case, you should use your enthusiasm for work, go after her, and treat her well. I don't believe that a woman still has a heart to keep warm." Zhou

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