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  Chapter 430 Mother-in-law and Daughter-in-Law's Envy,
  Jealousy and Hatred "It's absolutely true, there can be a lie." Xiang Qin's eyes were full of envy and jealousy, what kind of luck did this woman have that made her climb into the Xiang family.

  I don't know if my uncle has a problem with his eyesight, or what, why he fell in love with this country girl!

  "Tsk tsk, how much does it cost to open such a big shop? That damn girl is so rich?" Li Juhua couldn't imagine that the stinky girl who was timid in her house back then has this ability now?
  Maybe he is married now, and the man's family is rich, so this store must also belong to the in-law's property.

  Xiang Qin felt sour in her heart and went straight up: "No matter what, it must be several thousand. Rao, this store was not funded by her, but she also has the right to dispose of the money. After all, they are husband and wife, right?" Thinking of her

  hands Li now doesn't even have two hundred dollars, but this woman, who is inferior to her in every way, has bulging pockets, counting money every day until her hands cramp.

  The store is full of people every day, and the business is booming.

  "You're right, I asked her for money, and she will obediently give it to you?"

  Li Juhua still remembers the time when the Ruan family came to the village to warn her, don't get the money and cause trouble , It will be troublesome for Jin Jin to cause trouble.

  "Mom." Xiang Qin gritted her teeth and yelled "Mom" in her heart.

  "She is the girl you have raised for more than ten years. She is not as good as her kindness. After all, you are her adoptive mother. Now that you are in trouble, why can't you ask her to use some money to help you? It’s up to us to decide where to put the matter.”

  It’s true to say that it’s the adoptive mother, but Li Juhua still feels a little guilty when facing Xiang Qin, after all, she married this girl to her son back then.

  But his son was not lucky, he abandoned pearls and picked up those fish eyes.

  At the beginning, no one thought that the background of this adopted daughter would be so great, and her family members were directly high-ranking officials in the provincial capital.

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