chapter 25-26

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  Chapter 25 Settlement
  Sitting in the car back to the county seat, Li Juhua was unwilling to think about it, and complained: "After entering the opening, why did you agree to come back? Then I haven't seen my future daughter-in-law, and I don't know. Whether you are tall or short, fat or thin."

  "Jinjin knows his own proportions, and children and grandchildren have their own blessings, so what are we doing, so as not to be disgusted by people!"

  "You said it nicely, my daughter-in-law enters the door, this is me. Can't you be a mother-in-law?" Li Juhua whispered unwillingly.

  Mi Zhu was too lazy to pay attention to this ignorant woman, smoking a dry cigarette and looking out the window, looking at the rapidly receding scenery, finally came to the city, and was driven back after not staying for a day, do you think he has no resentment in his heart?

  Kerr can't help his father!

  As if she went out in the middle of the night, Yu Qing woke up when her biological clock was still up, had a simple breakfast in the studio, and took out all the belongings of this era from her pocket.

  If nothing else, just cash tickets.

  At the beginning of the departure from the county town, the village chief Mi Weiguo lent her ten yuan and four liang of food stamps. It took one yuan to take a car to the city, and there were nine yuan left.

  The five yuan and one pound of food stamps given by Mi Qian the day before yesterday, I spent two cents and four taels of food stamps for noodles at a state-run restaurant yesterday, plus the accommodation fee of one yuan and six a day. After two days, one plus one minus this There is still one sixty plus sixty two food stamps left in the money.

  This is still under the premise of not being discovered, Yu Qing enters the studio to solve a few meals. If there is no studio, these five dollars and a pound of food stamps will be a bit stretched for two days!

  I went to the market to exchange the money last night, and after deducting the fees and expenses, there are still nine yuan and thirty cents left.

  These Yu Qing counted the total of nineteen yuan and nine cents, and the food stamp plus Mi Weiguo gave only one catty.

  Yu Qing looked at the money in her hand, wondering if she could rent a house in the county town and settle down temporarily?
  This amount of money would not have been eaten by a later generation of fried beef with pepper, but now it has become the capital for her to settle down in this world.


  I have to go to Mi Qianjin to pick up some oil and water!
  Heart is worse than action.

  Yu Qing put on the handmade cotton shoes she bought at the market last night, put the wool shoes she wore yesterday back into the corner of the studio, stretched her clothes and went out the door.

  This time, the guard saw that her attitude had changed. Instead of looking down on people, she was allowed to enter the factory after registering with a smiling face.

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