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  Chapter 356 Greedy
  Yu Qing glanced at the motorcycle outside the door, but didn't expose him, and responded very readily, "Okay, I'll go inside and pick up two exhaust fans, and you can send them there together."

  Xiang Yisen tied four cardboard boxes, large and small, to the back of the motorcycle, and with the roar of the motorcycle, he gained the star eyes of a large number of big girls and young wives inside and outside the store.

  Sitting in the shop, Yu Qing rolled her eyes when she saw the admiring eyes of the lesbians in the shop. Although these lesbians were full of admiration, not all of them would take action. Therefore, she could only roll her eyes to express her dissatisfaction.

  Sure enough, men are not bad and women don't love them!
  Xiang Yisen's height and appearance are at the top, and now he has a lot of money. If he is not married, he will be the best son-in-law candidate in the eyes of his mother-in-law.

  Today, coupled with wearing a flowered shirt and flared trousers, paired with a toad mirror, the proper image of a rebellious and unruly social youth completely drowned out his strong bookish temperament.

  The lesbians in the store murmured together, and a lesbian who came to the store for the first time and didn't know the truth asked: "The gay man who went out just now is so handsome. I have never seen him before, but I don't know which unit he is from." ?” The

  most important thing is that he is super rich, this brand new motorcycle should be the first one in the city.

  "I don't know what unit, but I know he is the boss here, and that is the boss's wife." She pointed at Yu Qing.

  A group of lesbians looked at Yu Qing. The comparison between the two made most lesbians feel ashamed, and a few lesbians thought they were as good as Yu Qing in appearance.

  But they don't have the guts to ask them to provoke each other.

  Xiang Yisen came out of the shop, and after a short ride, he saw a familiar figure stepping on the curb and waving at him.

  He parked the motorcycle on the side of the road, looked at the other side and said calmly: "What's the matter?"

  Er Gang tsk-tsk in his heart, this man is quite polite to him in front of his wife, as long as he leaves the woman's sight, he will ignore him.

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