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  They looked in at the door of the store, the store was already full of people, it was a bit difficult for them to get in, the main reason was that they held Xiao Zhuzhu in their arms, there were too many people in the store, and the air was not circulated.

  Xiang Yisen: "Shall we go in?"

  Yu Qing glanced at the child in his arms: "Forget it, look at this business, it doesn't matter whether we go in or not."

  Xiang Yisen looked down at the child in her arms Daughter, looked at the crowded shop again, and finally nodded: "Then let's take my daughter to the park?" "Okay.


  The park is a little better than the shop, but there are also many tourists.

  Most of them are parents who bring their children to the park to play during the holidays. There are also many couples. Some of them drag their families with five or six children all the way.

  Looking up at this time, the avenues in the park and the stone paths in the forest are full of tourists.

  No wonder the people above want to implement family planning.

  Thinking of family planning, Yu Qing glanced at Xiang Yisen and Xiao Zhuzhu beside her. It seemed that there were some things that the couple had to work hard on.

  Entering from the south gate of the park, you can see half of the scenic spots, but there are too many tourists and too crowded. The couple had to go back the same way holding Zhuzhu.

  I paid 20 cents for the tickets, and only went in and squeezed with people for a long time. I didn't have any interest in playing and gave up halfway in embarrassment.

  Back in the car, Yu Qing glanced at the bustling street, and said with a helpless smile: "Go back, next time I will take my daughter to the park next time. I guess it is impossible for the store to close on time today. I will pass by on the way back." Stop at the state-run restaurant, I'll go down and order some meat buns, and you can deliver them to the store after dinner."

  Cooking is a bit unrealistic, there are so many people in the shop, it's inconvenient to eat, but you can eat a few meat buns to fill your stomach.

  Xiang Yisen nodded, and handed the daughter in his arms to Yu Qing's arms.

  He drove on the road, and said abruptly: "After May 1st, you should also get your driver's license."

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