c 446-450

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  Chapter 446 Self-defeating
  "Uncle Su, what do you want me for?" Xiang Yisen walked into Su Qiang's office, and glanced at the other two people in the office except Su Qiang.

  "Yisen is here, come and sit down."

  Su Qiang got up and poured a glass of water for Xiang Yisen himself, and introduced two other people to him, "This is Yuan Yongxing, the director of the city garment factory, and Liang Zhu, the workshop director." Xiang

  Yi Sen nodded, as a greeting, thinking about the purpose of Su Qiang calling him here.

  For his arrogant attitude, Su Qiang knew it well, and didn't take his attitude to heart. Moreover, I have a heavy workload every day, so I don't have much time for detours and talks.

  He directly handed the documents on the table to Xiang Yisen, and explained to him the purpose of calling him this time.

  At first, Xiang Yisen felt that there were two extra people in the office a bit awkward, but now after reading this document, he suddenly realized.

  "Uncle Su, you know that although we are husband and wife, I am mainly responsible for the affairs of the diesel engine factory and the tractor factory. And Qingqing has been in charge of the affairs of several shops. Even if we are husband and wife, I am also responsible for her affairs. It’s not good to interfere with her decision.”

  Su Qiang nodded: “I know, you can discuss this with Comrade Yu to see if she has any ideas of cooperation.”

  Yuan Yongxing did not expect Su Qiang to be so polite to Xiang Yisen, but Xiang Yisen didn't buy the leader Su's face at all.

  He sat aside anxiously, "Director Xiang, you are a man and the head of the family. Your lover should listen to what you say. Moreover, our cooperation is a situation of mutual benefit. If you promise, I believe your lover will definitely no comment."

  Xiang Yisen took a sip of water in a calm manner, and said coldly: "I don't know why you guys came to bother Uncle Su when you were talking about business. If your factory's business ability passes the test, come to talk to our husband and wife, I believe we will not Don’t want to cooperate with mutual benefit, but go to Yangcheng to find someone to cooperate with. Now you want to put pressure on me through this relationship? Huh! If this is the case, I really doubt the business ability of your factory.” After listening to

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