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  Chapter 296 You're Really Generous

  Yu Qing suddenly realized at this moment, because you are yelling at my house as a guest, are you greedy for my bacon?
  At the same time, he cast admiring glances at Xiang Yisen who often dealt with them, and her husband was the best at guessing the thoughts of these old foxes.

  Xiang Yisen accepted her gaze and didn't show her any expression. He sat there and ate his meal slowly. But he groaned in his heart, he wrote down this grudge in his notebook, and he would not forgive her without compensation.

  Seeing off the guests, Grandma Ruan and Father Xiang both took a lunch break, and Yu Qing came to Xiang Yisen and said with emotion: "I never thought that the two leaders

  would work under your father." The security of the institute." Xiang Yisen corrected.

  Yu Qing smiled, "Actually, Uncle Quan also knows my dad, but he doesn't know it yet."

  "He knows your dad?" Xiang Yisen wondered how Quan Jifeng knew his old father-in-law who had never met before.

  "En." Yu Qing told the details of their last trip to the provincial capital.

  Xiang Yisen realized that they had been to the provincial capital last time. I became interested in this Lord Taishan in my heart, and an image of a middle-aged tough guy automatically formed in my mind.

  After breakfast the next day, Xiang Yisen and Father Xiang went out together.

  In less than two hours, Father Xiang brought back a cart full of briquettes, "Qingqing, where do you think these coals are?"

  "Dad, where did you buy these coals?" The man moved the briquettes into a corner of the kitchen and put them away.

  "It was decided by Yisen. I'm just responsible for bringing this comrade back."

  "Oh, I see."

  Yu Qing remembered that she had told Xiang Yisen about this two days ago, mainly because she was afraid that there would be no power outage. Cook meals.

  Father Xiang handed her the newly bought tongs, "This is for you, you watch him carry it, I'll go to the room to drink a glass of water."

  "Thank you, Dad, go in and rest, just leave it to me." Yu Qing took it and let him go in to rest.

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