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  Chapter 86 Is this rice cooked?

  "Scallions?" Grandma Cui didn't realize it for a moment. The vegetables are good, why buy onions?

  "As for scallions, garlic is fine." Yu Qing explained: "I opened a wasteland next to my house and wanted to grow onions and garlic. In the future, if there is no spice for cooking, I can have them at any time.

  " There is still a little left, hanging on the firewood stove, it should not have germinated, I wanted to save it for cooking coriander during the Chinese New Year, if you want, I will give it to you.”

  “It’s true, it’s great, thank you grandma.” Encountered Yu Qing, who was pleasantly surprised, had a sweet voice.

  Grandma Cui smiled when she heard that, and took her to the kitchen, and asked her to climb up and take it off by herself.

  It was packed in a bamboo basket blackened by smoke, and the onion and garlic together weighed about three catties. Grandma Cui counted her two cents per catty.

  Because the green vegetables are half-grown, Grandma Cui said that they cost two cents a catty, and Yu Qing told them to count for three cents a catty, and sell them when they grow a little bigger. Bully the elderly.

  Twelve catties of green vegetables cost only thirty-six cents, and three catties of seeds cost only sixty-six cents. At this moment, Yu Qing really found that the prices in this era are really cheap.

  Likewise, farmers are too difficult.

  It was getting late, and she had to rush back to prepare vegetables and cook. Yu Qing hurried to the power station with a basket after paying the bill.

  Grandma Cui's grandson saw that there was no outsider, so he approached Grandma Cui with a smile and said, "Grandma, I sold a lot of money today. Since the vegetables grown at our house are edible, you can bring some spinach to eat at noon." I haven’t eaten spinach for your grandson this year, and I’m very greedy.”

  Grandma Cui is very flexible despite her age. You want to eat dragon meat, do I have to find dragon meat for you? The vegetables in the field are not as long as a second finger, and you just think about Huo Huoguang, eat up the seedlings, and you are going to drink the northwest wind in the future?"

  "Grandma, it's just a bowl of spinach. Does my dad know you're so stingy?"


  Grandma Cui laughed and said angrily: "What do you know, you eat seeds this year and eggs next year, do you understand? Those green vegetables are eaten before they grow up. We are such a big family, and we can't eat half a row of rice for a meal? Eat it for a few days, The vegetables in my private plot are no longer white.”

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