chapter 17-18

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  Chapter 17 Blood Bubble

  "This" is obedient, the relationship between the comrade-in-arms and his sister doesn't seem to be very harmonious!

  If this is the case, this job is easy to arrange, "Okay, leave this to me, the Lingjiang Power Station is preparing for trial operation, there should be a lot of positions available there, since your sister is not educated, then go there and do grassroots work. Let's work." The

  two men chatted casually and easily settled on what others dreamed of.

  That's the beauty of having connections!
  Also this time, Yu Qing had a good chance, and the timing was right. It just happened that the newly built hydropower station in the market was put into operation, and she happened to have this network of contacts.

  Yu Qing didn't know that Mi Qianjin was so positive about her in order to get rid of her.

  At this moment, she was looking for the guest house closest to the road construction machinery factory and walked in. Showed the letter of introduction to the front desk staff and opened a simple single room.

  What is shabby?
  The whole room is not big, only enough for a single canopy wooden bed, plus a chair, and the lighting is an incandescent light bulb hanging from the ceiling.

  Yu Qing was tired and hungry at the moment. She glanced at the facilities in the room at random, then closed the door tightly to confirm that there was no one else in the room, and entered the kitchen of the studio with a single thought.

  There was still preserved egg and lean meat porridge left in the pot, and the stomach was a little uncomfortable. First, I gave a bowl to pamper my stomach, and then I warmed up some of the remaining dumplings. After I was full, Yu Qing was in the mood to come down and check the soles of her feet.



  On the road from the bus station to the Road Construction Machinery Factory, two blood blisters appeared on the soles of the feet, showing the distance.

  Yu Qing found a toothpick in the restaurant and punctured the blood blisters. She wanted to get some medicine and didn't know if there was any medicine. After searching everywhere, I found a box of Pi Yanping in a drawer in the studio.

  I don't know which one rubbed the pimples?

  No matter what, put some medicine first, I hope it will be useful for this blood blister. On the good medicine and then use two band-aids.

  "This is perfect! I hope it won't hurt when I wake up tomorrow."

  Yu Qing was stunned when she heard someone knocking on the door just after taking the medicine. She didn't expect to hear a knock on the door outside the studio.

  When I left the studio, I opened the door and saw that the waiter had brought boiled water, and hurriedly took it, "I just happened to be very thirsty, comrade, thank you!"

  "You're welcome, serve the people!" The waiter giggled and went back.

  After closing the door, Yu Qing moved her sore feet to the edge of the bed and sat down. She looked at the thermos in her arms and felt her sore legs. She looked around and found no basins in the room.

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