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69 Book Bar




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  Chapter 391 Treating Guests with Two Bars
  Yicheng is relatively high in altitude, and there are many mountains in the south. The so-called high mountains have good water, and the water on the Yijiang River is the water flowing down from the high mountains in the south, converging.

  The Yijiang River passes through the city from the south to the north. Every summer, both sides of the river are good places to enjoy the cool at night.

  The newly opened restaurant that Er Gang mentioned was located on the bank of the Yijiang River. Seven or eight tables were placed in a criss-cross pattern on the cement floor in front of the restaurant.

  When Yu Qing and the others arrived, there were already three or four tables of guests sitting in front of the door.

  The arrival of the two motorcycles attracted everyone's attention, and Yu Qing who got off the motorcycle, her beautiful face and bulging figure attracted the attention of a group of men. Compared with Xiang Yisen, he was not much better, attracting more women to peep at him.

  Er Gang found a side table, and the three of them just sat down when the proprietress came over with the menu.

  "Ergang, I brought friends here today, what do you want to eat?" The

  proprietress's surname is Wei, and her name is Wei Sanniang. The restaurant has been open for less than a week, and it is considered a husband and wife business. The husband is in charge of cooking in the kitchen, and she is in charge of ordering and serving tea to the guests.

  Er Gang pointed to Xiang Yisen and his wife who were sitting across from each other, and introduced: "These are two of my friends. It's the first time for you to eat here. Ask them what they want to eat?"

  Wei Sanniang handed the menu to Yu Qing, Smiling, she introduced the dishes in their shop: "My wife is good at fried chicken, duck and fish. Which one do you like to eat?"

  "I like to eat them all." Yu Qing browsed through the menu.

  Two bars: "Sister Yu, we two big men will listen to you tonight, and you will order the dishes."

  "Let me decide?"

  Yu Qing looked at Xiang Yisen.

  Xiang Yisen smiled and nodded at her.

  Seeing them so tired and crooked, Er Gang clicked his tongue twice, envious in his heart, he looked at Wei Sanniang and asked, "Why didn't I see sister Yanyan today, didn't she come to help in the shop?"

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