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  Chapter 306 Meeting Weng and Son-in-Law
  "Oh, there are still peanuts at home. You can fry a plate of them for grandpa and their men to drink."

  Grandma Ruan boasted again: "Our family Qingqing is really thoughtful."

  Aunt Shi Huilan Amusingly said: "It's good that Qingqing has made arrangements, then Auntie will help you peel the onion, peel the lettuce, and wash the cabbage."

  "Okay, thank you Auntie, then I will wash and cook these preserved vegetables first Cut."

  Three people in the kitchen are enough, as for Zhou Jingfang, the two little brothers in the family can't do without her, she has to take care of the children, it is impossible for her to have time to help in the kitchen.

  Yu Qing cleaned the bacon and stewed the pork ribs in a casserole before preparing other dishes.

  At twelve o'clock at noon, the food in the cafeteria was ready. Grandma Ruan took a cleaned enamel basin and handed it to Ruan Yong, asking him to go to the cafeteria to cook.

  "Grandma, there are two more dishes, which can be fried right away. You and auntie will take out the fried dishes, and let grandpa and the others drink first."

  Yu Qing's fried dishes at noon are all in large portions, divided into two Put it on a plate and put it on two tables, one table for men drinking and one table for women and children.

  Speaking of this, I have to say that Zhu Mei is a very good woman. It was almost noon, and when she came back from the vegetable field, she found that there were many guests at Yu Qing's house. She moved out of her table without saying a word, and let Yu Qing and the others It is convenient to put tea, melon seeds and candies.

  As soon as the food was served, another jeep entered the factory area, and it stopped on the road in front of the residential building not long after.

  Hearing the movement, everyone who was preparing to eat looked over there.

  Seeing the young man who was as handsome as his elder grandson coming towards them, Mr. Ruan narrowed his eyes slightly and asked Ruan Zheng beside him, "Who is that?"

  In fact, he had already guessed in his heart, just to prove it.

  "Your grandson-in-law." Ruan Zheng said concisely.

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