chapter 21-22

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  Chapter 21 Encounter
  "Comrade, can we sit here?"

  "Sit if there is space, what's more polite!" A tall and thin man pulled away the stool and sat down with disdain.

  Yu Qing's thoughts were pulled back by the sudden voice, and when she looked up, she saw two men, one tall and one short, sitting across from her table.

  The short man smiled embarrassedly at her, "This is the peak time for meals, and the two of us are disturbing the girl."

  Yu Qing nodded politely, and had a good impression of the short man. Looking at the whole restaurant again, the tables and chairs in the hall are almost full, and she is the only one at her table.

  Thinking about it, it is normal to have a table in this era, and it is not necessary to sit down with the consent of the other party. As long as there is a vacant seat, everyone can sit.

  After hesitating, he didn't say much, took a mouthful of sauerkraut and stuffed it into his mouth. As soon as you enter it, the sour fragrance is slightly spicy, and the taste buds are instantly activated.

  The mouth is full of saliva, and I feel very hungry.

  I don't know if this bowl of noodles is original and pollution-free, or the chef's cooking skills are good, or the original owner has never eaten it. Yu Qing felt that this bowl of noodles was too fragrant, more unforgettable than any food she had ever eaten before.

  When the short man saw that the girl on the other side was eating deliciously, he pinched the corner of his clothes, swallowed, and said, "Is this noodle delicious girl?"

  Yu Qing, who was eating deliciously, was taken aback for a moment, looked at the man opposite her, and nodded.

  Seeing her response, the other party was overjoyed, and explained in a familiar manner: "The best part of this bowl of noodles is sauerkraut. Do you think that you will feel even more hungry after just eating a bite of sauerkraut?"

  Yu Qing's eyes lit up, and there is still Have a story?

  "This is Master Du's specialty. You can't eat sauerkraut with such moderate acidity anywhere else."

  Yu Qing nodded, indeed!
  This is the most sauerkraut she has eaten in her life.

  Speaking of this skill, the tall and thin man brought two bowls of soup noodles over.

  Yu Qing glanced at it. Except for the difference between noodles and rice noodles, everything else was the same. There was still some sauerkraut lying on it.

  "My name is Kuang Gang, and this is my colleague, Peng Guoli. We are all employees of the city flour mill." After Kuang Gang introduced, seeing Yu Qing looking at their bowls, he smiled and said, "Although we are from a flour mill. Workers, but I'm not used to noodles. I always feel that I can't eat enough, and I'm still very hungry."

  Yu Qing smiled and understood that southerners are generally not used to noodles.

  But Yu Qing was curious. There are very few people in the south who grow wheat, so how could they build a flour mill in the city? Is it good to build a flour mill in the South?

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