c 181-185

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  Chapter 181 Listening to the corner of the wall

  Yu Qing raised her hands, puffed her cheeks and said coquettishly, "I don't want your promise, I want a hug." It

  may be because she just woke up, the woman's eyes were misty, her red lips were pouting, and she was in the room. Under the illumination of the dim light, the attraction to men is fatal.

  "Get up if you don't sleep." Xiang Yisen said, looking away and staring at the drawn curtains.

  Yu Qing withdrew her hands, sighed in her heart, and began to suspect that she was not attractive enough, otherwise how could she have fallen in love with her, and she just held hands without even a formal hug?

  She sat up and stared at the man's back in only a vest and big pants.

  The man looked thin in his usual clothes, but at this moment, he was full of strength.

  When Xiang Yisen heard the movement behind him, he thought it was a woman who was about to get up, and at the same time, he felt a little bit disappointed. He didn't know what he was missing?
  Just when he was about to turn around, a soft body was stuck behind his back, and his two arms encircled his body like a spirit snake.


  Yu Qing put her face on his back, "Don't move, I just want to hug you. You are my object now, why don't you let me hug you?"

  "No." Xiang Yisen clenched his hands tightly.

  "We're just holding hands, and we haven't hugged each other formally yet." As she spoke, she rubbed her face against his back, and didn't forget to kiss him after rubbing.

  Xiang Yisen tightened his vest and took countless deep breaths before pulling the woman off his back.

  His deep peach eyes seemed to be filled with thousands of stars, and his slender, white fingers gently brushed away the broken hair on her cheeks, "We are in a romantic relationship, and in the future it will be a husband and wife relationship. You can only hug me, and I can only hug you, understand. Is it? Be good, don't think about it."

  After hearing this, Yu Qing's eyes were like the brightest star in the sky, shining like a star, with joy from the hair to the tip of the toe, "Then I want to kiss."

  As soon as these words came out, Xiang Yisen almost fell to the floor. He had exhausted all his willpower to suppress his eager heart to hug him.

  This will happen again, and he feels that the consequences must be unimaginable.

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