chapter 6 Secret space

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  Chapter 6 Secret Space
  A thought moves.

  Yu Qing's fat body appeared in the simply decorated restaurant, not the office where she came in.

  The staff cafeteria remains empty, the smell of food lingering throughout the space. The chairs were crooked, and there was an unfinished late-night snack on the dining table. The most conspicuous were the kebabs with the largest number, and two large pots of roast chicken.

  The kebab was not finished because of the large amount, and the roast chicken was too spicy because everyone didn't use their chopsticks.

  Yu Qing was so hungry that she almost rolled her eyes. Ignoring the messy tableware and messy wine bottles on the table, she took out a pair of clean tableware and chopsticks from the disinfection cabinet, filled a bowl of the preserved egg and lean meat porridge she made, and snorted. Finished in a few seconds.

  Still wanting to eat, she hesitated when she reached for the kebab on the table.

  This body has suffered a lot of sins, and can I eat greasy meat skewers for a while?
  The answer is obvious.

  Yu Qing reluctantly put down the bowls and chopsticks. She couldn't eat, and she didn't want to go out to face the cold ward. She thought that smelling the aroma of the barbecue was also a treat.

  Take a deep breath, sit in a chair and rest for a while, roll up your sleeves and get to work.

  Traversal has become a fact, and it is impossible to go back.

  Since the studio came with her, this should be her secret space, right?
  How could she allow her secret space to be cluttered and cluttered according to her tidy nature?
  Serve unfinished leftovers on a clean table aside. In this age of scarcity, she dares not waste anything, which is also a habit she has grown up in an orphanage since she was a child.

  The empty wine shovel after drinking was returned to the cardboard box that originally contained the wine.

  The dishes and chopsticks were returned to the sink in the kitchen to clean, and by the way, the table was wiped clean, and the floor was swept and dragged twice.

  When it's all sorted out, hoo! Poor girl, she found her stomach was hungry again.

  Yu Qing drank another bowl of preserved egg and lean meat porridge before returning to her original office. After cleaning the entire restaurant and kitchen, this puffy body was sweating profusely.

  She thought of taking a shower in the bathroom in the office area. When she was just washing the dishes, she discovered that the water and electricity supply in the entire studio was as usual, not because she had leaped over decades.

  The fat black girl in the mirror, with sweat on her forehead, at a glance, she is at least in her thirties. No wonder Zhu Qingqing called her eldest sister when they met.

  Yu Qing took off the towel hanging on the wall next to her, wiped the sweat from her forehead, and the pink towel immediately turned pitch black.

  How long has it been since the original owner took a shower?

  She got close to her nose and smelled it.
  "Hey! This smell" is an

  indescribable smell. From memory, Yu Qing knew that the original owner had no family status in the Mi family, and even more cleaning supplies. How could Li Juhua let her use the wooden basin at home because she disliked the original owner's attitude?
  In addition, the original owner was cowardly and didn't dare to fight, so she had to endure it all the time. Sometimes the weather was hot and she couldn't stand it. When there was no one around at night, she would secretly go to the creek or pond to wash her body.

  She bumped into the Mi family for more than ten years, and that's how she came here.

  Quickly retreated the worn clothes on his body, threw them into the pulsator washing machine next to the bathroom door, and adjusted for a quick wash.

  This washing machine is still the special 899 that she bought when she first opened her online store.

  When selling clothes just started, what kind of clothes are good to sell and what kind of clothes are sold. Sometimes when the returned goods are soiled due to transportation or wearing, they need to be cleaned and then ironed.

  This washing machine was purchased under that opportunity.

  (End of this chapter)

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