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  Chapter 486 Xun is so cruel
  "Qingqing, look, even grandma despises me, you have to take responsibility."

  Ruan Zheng's words made Yu Qing stunned, the elder brother who used to be unsmiling knows that he is joking now?
  "How do you ask me to be responsible?"

  "Your barbecue restaurant has partnered with others, how about you partner with me in the provincial capital? Or you can show me the way."

  Yu Qing was silent for a moment, then asked: "This, It’s not a big problem, but, big brother, have you managed to turn over your funds?”

  “Your big brother, I’m not dating, I’m not married, I have money and I don’t have land to spend it, and I’m saving all the money I earn recently.” Ruan Zheng was ashamed, and now he said this It seems that not having a family is his advantage.

  "Hehe, brother, just do what you want. If you have nothing to do tonight, you can go to the barbecue restaurant and see the situation. If you really want to open a barbecue restaurant, I will provide you with seasoning." Actually, Yu Qing has a better idea

  . A way to make money, but this year is obviously too late, wait until the second half of next year.

  In the evening, Ruan Zheng drove Xiang Yisen's diesel car to the barbecue shop. Yu Qing was a pregnant woman, so she chatted with Grandma Ruan for a while at night and then went back to her room to sleep.

  The next day, when Yu Qing woke up, Ruan Zheng told her his decision, and started to open a barbecue restaurant after returning home.

  Yu Qing readily agreed to bring him back a batch of seasoning this time.

  There were a lot of things at the end of the year, Ruan Zheng didn't delay much in Yicheng, he checked out all the goods requested by several stores on the same day, and took the train back to the provincial capital that night.

  Ruan Zheng returned to the provincial capital, except for Mi Xin who went to work, only Yu Qing, Grandma Ruan and Li Xiaoju were left at home, and it was rainy and cold outside these few days.

  Even if you can't go out and have nothing to do at home, Grandma Ruan and Li Xiaoju can chat, but they can't talk non-stop every day, can they?

  Yu Qing was thinking of finding something to do for them so that they wouldn't be bored. So I ordered a lot of flour, glutinous rice noodles and japonica rice noodles from the Internet, and I also ordered a pig's pork from the local pig shop.

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