chapter 5

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  Chapter 5 The original owner of the indescribable

  Yu Qing pressed the elephant's leg under the quilt, it was soft. It's not like other people's fat is tight, and it is hard to press. It shows that this is puffiness and weak physique. This body urgently needs to eat some nutritious supplements and exercise more.

  Thinking of this, and thinking of today's era, when you need to open a letter of introduction and buy something, you need a ticket. Although the policy has been relaxed in the past two years, it will take some time to implement it in this remote area.

  When the real policy is good, it will have to wait two years. The question is how will she survive these two years.

  Penniless, unaccompanied.

  Yu Qing fell onto the hospital bed in a decadent manner, thinking about what she loves to do! As she fell, the sturdy hospital bed swayed twice as if it was overwhelmed, and Yu Qing was so angry that she slammed off the bed board and almost jumped up again.

  "I want to go back!"

  The scene when she left suddenly flashed in her mind, and then she stood in the very familiar office.

  "What's the matter? Did you really wear it again?"

  Yu Qing wiped her eyes and looked around, that's right! This is her e-commerce studio.

  Familiar desk, bookcase, computer, sofa and coffee table.
  She is back, what about her employees?
  It's so quiet here, so eerily quiet.

  Yu Qing eagerly rushed to the door in three and two steps.

  As soon as the door was opened
  , the original furnishings remained unchanged, with more than a dozen computers and printers lined up on both sides, and even the water dispenser in the corner with half a bucket of water buckled on it remained unchanged.

  The only change was that the entire hall was empty.

  Are they all warehouses on the first floor?
  When she rushed to the stairs, Yu Qing stopped because she didn't hear the familiar sound of high heels when she ran over.

  Looking down, I saw a pair of unfamiliar elephant legs with no shoes on.

  There is nothing more joy and sorrow in life than this.

  Yu Qing sat weakly on the steps at the entrance of the stairs... Really can't go back!
  After an unknown amount of time, Yu Qingqiang walked along the stairs to the first floor in spirit.

  The rolling shutter of the warehouse door is pulled down, and the entire warehouse, like the second floor, is illuminated by countless energy-saving lamps as bright as day.

  On the right side of the stairs, the door of the renovated live broadcast room was wide open, and it was as empty as the outside.

  Yu Qing took off the remote control hanging by the door, pressed it, and the rolling shutter of the warehouse door slowly moved up.

  The outside was dark as thick ink, so dark was abnormal, Yu Qing's heart sank.

  Sure enough, she tried to walk out, and an invisible barrier bounced her back.

  Yu Qing reluctantly tried several times, but was bounced back every time.

  She turned to look at the warehouse where the shelves were full of goods, and then walked to the full-length mirror in the live broadcast room, staring at the black fat village girl in the mirror
  , her mind was chaotic, and she returned to her original hospital bed in a single thought.

  Before she could take a closer look, her stomach made a rumbling sound.

  Yu Qing glanced at the west slanting moonlight outside the window. It should be the second half of the night. In this way, she had already drank a bowl of gruel the night before yesterday, and she didn't have a grain of rice the day before, and she was soaking in water and fighting, and she fell asleep
  . At this time, she urgently needed a nutritious food to fill her up. Singing empty stomachs.

  At this time, the hospital's canteen closes early, and you don't want to get food outside.

  Yu Qing remembered another entrance to the office, where there were two twenty-square rooms below the stairwell. At that time, when she renovated the studio, she renovated the two rooms a little, one was used as a kitchen and the other was used as a dining room.

  Dedicated to serving lunch or dinner to employees.

  Because of opening an online store, the work is done in two shifts, and there must be someone guarding the computer during the morning and evening shifts.

  Before she was drunk and unconscious, she and the staff were eating late at the restaurant
  (end of this chapter)

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