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  Chapter 346 A false alarm

  "Ahem." Xiang Yisen was choked by Yu Qing's calm tone. Last time when she talked about buying a car, he thought she was joking.

  Unexpectedly, "Do you really want to buy a car?"

  "Of course, who doesn't want to have a good means of transportation." If she wasn't afraid of being caught doing research, she would have wanted to order an SUV directly online, which is just right for people of this age. road conditions.

  Xiang Yisen reminded, "But units like Lingjiang Power Station are not equipped with cars, which shows that the price of a jeep is not cheap."

  Yu Qing sighed, "Do you think I don't know about this? But we often travel in the city and the countryside. , It’s too inconvenient to not have a car.”

  She used to be able to endure it when she had no money, but now that she has money in her pocket, she can’t hold back her heart a bit. The big deal is to delay the start-up capital and save it slowly .

  Xiang Yisen suppressed the excitement in his heart, thought for a moment and said: "BJ212 is about 360,000 yuan. I don't know if private individuals can buy it. I have to call and ask to find out."

  Yu Qing thought it was not that expensive at first, but Thinking carefully, he gasped, "Hey, the per capita income in the city is less than 50, and at the current salary level, how can an ordinary worker afford to buy a car without eating or drinking for 60 years? !”

  And this car is not a good car.

  Thinking about the future generations, if you don’t eat or drink, the average person can buy an economical car for three thousand a month, and two years.

  Of course, if you want a good car, ordinary people can't afford it.

  Xiang Yisen touched his nose, "It's about the same. It's pretty cheap. If you want to sell imported cars, it will cost more than ten or two hundred thousand."

  "What about motorcycles?" Yu Qing asked unwillingly .

  "You're talking about the bag?"

  Yu Qing looked confused, "The bag?"

  The corners of Xiang Yisen's mouth rose slightly, and he explained: "It's the three-wheeled motorcycle. You should have seen it at the police station last time. They rode a three-wheeled motorcycle when they dispatched the police."

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