chapter 56-60

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  Chapter 56 Thinking is too simple

  , so it turns out that she must buy at least two. She is the only one in her house. Yu Qing pointed to the small and medium sizes and said, "Then I want a small and medium size." Yes, add a Wuyin frying pan." Of

  the three pots, the small one costs 8 yuan, the medium one costs 12 yuan, and the Wuyin frying pan is more expensive and costs 15 yuan. The housewarming red envelope sent out by buying these three items was not enough, and I even posted five yuan.

  Of course, the two sisters posted more, but there is no way, if you want to start the fire yourself, you must buy these kitchen utensils.

  Finally, a few people went to the grain and oil store to buy some oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and grain, and then went home.

  When I got home, my feet, which had finally healed in the past few days, started to hurt again.

  I took off my shoes and socks and checked, and found two new blisters. I went into the studio and took a quick shower, then opened the blisters and applied some medicine, and then put on a band-aid as last time.


  After leaving the studio, Yu Qing saw all kinds of pots that had just been moved from the bullock cart. Yu Qing wanted to clean them, but then thought, the iron pots would rust if they were not washed. Then gave up this idea.

  Leaning on the door frame of the kitchen, looking at the kitchen with nothing but the pot, Yu Qing sighed, there is still a long way to go before she can start the fire!
  First of all, there must be a stove. In fact, the coal-burning tin stove is the most suitable for this small kitchen. Thinking of the stove, Yu Qing slapped her forehead. Why did she forget to buy a tin stove today?

  Even if there is a stove, I don't know where there is any honeycomb selling around here?

  If the distance is far or the briquettes are sold only in the town, Yu Qing feels that it is wishful thinking to start the fire by herself.

  The main reason is that it is too far away to sell briquettes, which is inconvenient.

  The small kitchen is too small to burn wood.

  It was only at this time that Yu Qing realized that she was still thinking too simply, and her habitual thinking would sometimes stay in her previous life.

  In the past, energy sources were diversified, and we could burn whatever we wanted. But now, it is not allowed to burn briquettes in this remote mountainous area.

  Not to mention the liquefied petroleum gas that became all the rage later.

  Yu Qing saw that it was still early, and there was still some time before dinner, and she couldn't think of any other good way here, so she could only pick up the bucket to water the field.

  It's just that I didn't expect that Sister Lu and Sister Pan also came as soon as they arrived in the field.

  "Girl Qing, do you want to water it too?"

  "Well, I haven't watered it for two days. If you don't water some more, the newly sprouted vegetable seedlings will dry out."

  "Your sprouts?"

  "Just sprouted."

  Yu Qing looked at the new shoots emerging from the freshly watered loess soil, feeling a sense of accomplishment in her heart.

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