c 441-445

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  Chapter 441 Learned
  Just after dawn, the gate of the courtyard was knocked vigorously.

  Xiang Yisen had just washed up and was about to go for a morning run, but he didn't expect someone to knock on the door at this time.

  "Why is it you?"

  Seeing the people outside the courtyard gate, Xiang Yisen's expression darkened instantly. Why did he come to the house so early in the morning?

  Mi Qianjin couldn't care less about Xiang Yisen's face now, and asked with a little eagerness in his voice: "Did Qinqin come to your house last night   ?


Tired, the hair on the top of his head was a little wet, although he didn't know what happened, he still answered his question first, "She doesn't know where my family lives, why did she come to my house?" "Didn't come?" Mi Qianjin was

  disappointed Confirm it.


  Xiang Yisen went out, turned around and closed the courtyard door, looked at Mi Qianjin, and kindly asked, "Did something happen?"

  Mi Qianjin looked away from the courtyard door When she came back, she was a little frustrated and said, "She ran away from home last night. We searched all night but couldn't find her. I don't know where she is hiding?

  " ?”

  “I searched, but I couldn’t find it.”

  “Did you call the police?”



  Then you can only do your best and obey the destiny!
  When Xiang Yisen came back from a run, Yu Qing asked who knocked on the door in the morning, and was stunned when she learned that it was Mi Qianjin.

  "Why did he come to our house?" It seemed that the two families hadn't had much contact since Mi Zhu was buried.

  "I heard that Xiang Qin ran away from home last night, and she hasn't been found yet."

  "Run away from home? She really knows how to play, and she's a pregnant woman with a big belly. If something happens, it's no small matter." Yu Qing thinks that Xiang Qin is really stupid, and no matter how angry she is, don't risk her and her child's life Come bet.

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