c 451-456

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69 Book Bar




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  Chapter 451 Wu Li's Strategy
  "Mr. Yu, you are here."

  As soon as Yu Qing entered the sunny shoe store, Wu Li welcomed her into the cashier and asked her to sit down and rest.

  Yu Qing looked around the store, there were two groups of customers sitting on one side trying on shoes, and the other two shopping guides were receiving them.

  She looked back and said helplessly, "Are you waiting for me?"

  "I've been waiting for you every day."

  "Oh, I'm so flattered."

  Wu Li smiled flatteringly: "Hehe, Mr. Yu, do you drink water?"

  Yu Qing shook her head: "Don't drink, I have water here. Don't be clingy to me all the time, and the second bar may not come today."

  She really doubted whether it was her own vision or Wu Li's. Is it so good?

  "The second bar requires good looks but no good looks, culture and no culture, what do you like about him?"

  Wu Li knew that others would be curious, so she said bluntly, "I like him for his connotations!"


  Yu Qing directly laughed, "Haha, why are you talking so humorously, can you see the connotation?"

  "Feel it with your heart." Wu Li smiled nonchalantly.

  Yu Qing nodded indiscriminately, forgiving her for liking to look at her looks, she really couldn't figure out how a beautiful woman would fall in love with an ordinary-looking young man.

  At the right time, the roar of motorcycles sounded outside the door.

  Wu Li looked out the door in surprise, "Comrade Erbar is here."

  Yu Qing hit her, "It may also be our Comrade Xiang who came."

  Wu Li retorted confidently: "Mr. Xiang always eats at noon. Come here, he may still be busy in the factory at this time, how can I remember you."

  "Hehe," Well, Yu Qing admits defeat, because the figure of Er Gang came in at the door.

  "Sister Yu, I didn't expect to meet you by chance every time I came, and I never failed." Er Gang walked in and said with a smile, and found that Wu Li next to her just looked at her twice, and smiled politely at her.

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