c 266-270

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  Chapter 266 Slowly training
  "What kind of anger! There is no overnight hatred between father and son, he is born rebellious, and always likes to fight against me." Xiang's father disagrees with his wife's words, but thinking about it, he is also a father. Due to the responsibility, the relationship between their father and son is now not salty or weak.

  "I decided to take this time to take a vacation. I'll go there. As a father, I don't know about the child's marriage. If I know, I have to go there."

  "This..." Wu Lizhen glanced at the two children, "at home You have a lot of things to do, and you finally took a vacation, so you can't spend more time with the children and me?"

  "There is no way." Xiang's father patted his wife's hand, "You have to take care of me at home, I haven't worried about that child for more than ten years, this time is a major marriage event in my life, I have to go there no matter what, and do a little bit of responsibility."

  "That's okay, you have to be more careful on the road and take care of yourself." Wu Lizhen smiled helplessly, and told him patiently.

  "I know, the train at 12 noon, you go and help me pack my luggage after breakfast."

  Wu Lizhen felt suffocated in her heart, this was a decision made early, and she came to discuss it with her now. It's perfunctory.

  Father Xiang seemed to have just remembered, and said again, "Prepare two thousand yuan for me."

  "Two thousand!" Wu Lizhen jumped up in shock this time.

  Xiang Xue also raised her head in shock, two thousand, that's not a small sum!

  "What's wrong? Is there a problem with the two thousand?" Father Xiang looked at her suspiciously.

  "Two thousand is too much. Your monthly salary is only a small amount. After deducting the family expenses and the children's tuition fees, how can there be any money left?" Wu Lizhen looked embarrassed.

  Father Xiang didn't believe it at all, so he did some calculations for him, "My basic salary is 150, not counting other welfare subsidies. This is five times the salary of ordinary workers. I have been in the research institute for more than four years. Not counting welfare subsidies every year, the salary alone is nearly 8,000 yuan. Now you tell me that you have no money? Then tell me where you used the money?"

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