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  Chapter 316 After Marriage
  Father Xiang couldn't help but yawned and shook his head, "I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me.

  " Temperance caused him to not sleep well the next night downstairs, I really
  don't know what to say about him?

  Besides, young people should not take advantage of their physical strength to be unscrupulous.

  Xiang Yisen took a mouthful of rice noodles, raised his eyebrows and stared at him provocatively, I am young because I have good physical strength, what can you do?

  Yu Qing asked: "What are your plans for today? I want to go to the store after breakfast."

  "I have nothing to do. I'll go with you." After Xiang Yisen finished speaking, he asked Xiang's father opposite: " What about you, old man?"

  "I like to be quiet, so I won't join in the fun, I'll sleep at home." Xiang's father's tone was not good, this unfilial son made him not sleep well, and now he has a dull headache.

  Yu Qing noticed faintly throbbing veins on Father Xiang's forehead with an inexplicable face. Are you angry?
  Not understanding why he was angry, Yu Qing dragged Xiang Yisen out of the house after breakfast.

  After getting into the car, Yu Qing asked, "Is your dad angry?"

  "No, maybe it's because he's been too busy and tired in the past few days, and his temper is a bit irritable." Xiang Yisen didn't dare to tell her the truth, he was afraid that she would be ashamed. Anger turned into anger, and finally he got hit.

  "Then let's kill a chicken and stew it at noon today, and stew it with ginseng for a few hours to drink at night, so that Dad can replenish his vitality."

  Xiang Yisen drove the car to the main street, and while paying attention to the front, he said with a smile: "Well, you That's a good idea, you both need to make up for it, your physical strength is not enough."

  Yu Qing accepted his pointing eyes, blushed and ignored him, but talked about other things, "The store is pretending What's the matter? Have you paid attention to it these days?"

  "I don't have time for these two days. After you left, I informed Brother Hua. It should be fixed after a few days. Let's go and have a look." Xiang Yisen gave her a gentle sideways glance, "You Urgent?"

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