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  On New Year's Eve, every corner of Yicheng at noon is filled with the sound of firecrackers one after another.

  This is a signal for thousands of families to have a reunion dinner. Others celebrate the new year happily, but in Yu Tiantian's dormitory, she just made a simple bowl of noodles.

  After filling her stomach, she began to prepare for the reunion dinner in the evening. Mi Qianqin had agreed with her before that he would accompany his mother to have reunion dinner at noon, and come to accompany her in the evening!
  In order for the two to reunite happily for a year, she had to prepare carefully.

  For two people, she prepared six big dishes, which were stewed and steamed, and a coal stove was busy all afternoon.

  When Mi Qianjin walked downstairs in the dormitory, he could smell the smell of meat. Thinking of eating a tasteless meal at noon, and smelling the smell of meat in the air, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth unconsciously.



  Yu Tiantian guessed who the person outside was, and she looked around the room worriedly.

  "It's me!"

  Mi Qianjin's deep voice could hear his very happy mood at this moment.

  Yu Tiantian looked around the room again and again, and after confirming that there were no items belonging to Jian Wenji, she quickly ran to open the door full of joy.

  "You're here, come in quickly." As she said that, she stretched out her hand and pulled the person standing outside the door in.

  The renovation of the hotel was coming to an end, and the workers on the renovation site had all gone home for the New Year the day before yesterday. Most of the workers in the power station lived in the power station, and she was the only one left in the dormitory in the city. That's why she wasn't afraid of being discovered.

  Everyone else goes home for the New Year, if you ask her why she doesn't go home for the New Year?

  Yu Tiantian can only say that the parents at home value boys over girls, and there is no place to sleep in that house, so it would be better not to go back all year round, and it would be nice to be free outside!

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