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  Chapter 381 Wholesale Out
  This day's income is equivalent to a month's salary of an ordinary worker. It would be a fool not to do such a cost-effective business.

  When Lu Jinzhong opened Zhang Guigang's mouth, he wanted to agree, but after hesitating for a while, the other party actually said the purchase price first.

  So, wish for it.

  In addition, on the first day of setting up a stall today, he tasted the spiciness of setting up a stall. It was not only hard work but also honed his patience.

  If someone came to him for wholesale, it was exactly what he wanted, and although a part of the profit was shared, it would be a big deal for him to make a few more trips to Yangcheng.

  "Okay, what do you want? I have some at my stall today, and I still have them at home."

  Zhang Gui was ecstatic when he heard that, "Okay, okay, thank you so much, brother Lu." As

  he spoke, he observed what he had seen today. One day, I reported all the products I wanted.

  The two made an appointment for the delivery place tomorrow, and Lu Jinzhong planned to take the stall back, but was stopped by two other vendors.

  Lu Jin was taken aback, and asked calmly, "What do you mean?"

  Zhang Gui stood aside, staring at the two of them, his expression a bit ugly.

  One of the vendors waved his hand and quickly explained: "Brother Lu, don't get me wrong, we don't have any other intentions, we just want to buy some goods from you." The

  other vendor also said: "Yes, we just want to buy some goods , You also saw it today, the stall we set up has nothing special, there are not many people who patronize the repair of leather shoes, and the livelihood is hard to sustain. We saw that you promised to give Brother Zhang goods, so we wanted to follow suit and sell a little bit."

  " Of course, we will not set   up stalls here, we will disperse everywhere and will not affect your business."

There is a lot of freedom in sunny hours, and I no longer have to go to the store when it is time, and I have to be on time just like going to work.

  The door closes at 5:30 in the afternoon, and Yu Qing just needs to go to the store at this time every day to collect the sales cash for the day, and lock the door by the way.

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